[wildfly-dev] Fwd: Running an Arquillian test with WildFly on OpenShift

Sebastian Ɓaskawiec slaskawi at redhat.com
Thu Sep 25 03:46:36 EDT 2014

Hi Arun!

I think I've seen somewhere that this port is not exposed to the outside 
world. I'm sorry, but I can't find exact link right now...

However it should be easy to verify it by running:
/"telnet javaee7-milestogo.rhcloud.com 9990/"

According to this thread: 
you should be able to forward ports to your local machine using " /rhc 
port-forward app/"
After that you could use localhost:9990

The other way to solve it is to set up SSH port tunneling like that:
/"ssh -L 9990:localhost:9990 <login>@javaee7-milestogo.rhcloud.com"//
/After that try using localhost:9990

Please let us know if any of those 2 solutions worked for you :)

Best regards

On 09/25/2014 02:39 AM, Arun Gupta wrote:
> Forwarding to a broader alias in case somebody can help.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Arun Gupta <arun.gupta at gmail.com>
> Date: Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 4:50 PM
> Subject: Running an Arquillian test with WildFly on OpenShift
> To: Farah Juma <fjuma at redhat.com>, Brian Stansberry
> <brian.stansberry at redhat.com>, Aslak Knutsen <aslak at 4fs.no>, Grant
> Shipley <gshipley at redhat.com>
> Trying to run a trivial Arquillian test from my local machine against
> a WildFly instance hosted on OpenShift. Tried using
> javaee7-milestogo.rhcloud.com
> in arquillian.xml but keep getting:
> JBAS012144: Could not connect to
> http-remoting://javaee7-milestogo.rhcloud.com:9990. The connection
> timed out
> is timing out as well.
> Hostname to IP address mapping is giving: Tried that and
> didn't work.
> Here is my arquillian.xml:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
> <arquillian xmlns="http://jboss.org/schema/arquillian"
> xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
> xsi:schemaLocation="http://jboss.org/schema/arquillian
> http://jboss.org/schema/arquillian/arquillian_1_0.xsd">
> <container qualifier="arquillian-wildfly-managed" />
> <container qualifier="arquillian-wildfly-remote">
> <configuration>
> <!-- <property name="managementAddress"></property> -->
> <!-- <property name="managementAddress">javaee7-milestogo.rhcloud.com</property>
> -->
> <property name="managementAddress"></property>
> <property name="managementPort">9990</property>
> </configuration>
> </container>
> </arquillian>
> I can run the test fine against a local WildFly instance.
> Any suggestions ?
> Arun
> --
> http://blog.arungupta.me
> http://twitter.com/arungupta

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