[wildfly-dev] How to make a service MBean depend on singleton stateless session bean using jboss-service.xml in wildfly 8

sridhar thiyagarajan sridharthiyagarajan at gmail.com
Wed Mar 11 08:00:29 EDT 2015


I am trying to make a service mbean depend on a singleton stateless session
bean by configuring in *jboss-service.xml *using *<depends> *in *wildfly AS
8 *but getting the below error:

*ERROR [org.jboss.as.controller.management-operation] (Controller Boot
Thread) JBAS014613: Operation ("deploy") failed - address: ([("deployment"
=> "TestEAR.ear")]) - failure description: {"JBAS014771: Services with
missing/unavailable dependencies" =>
["jboss.mbean.service.TestService.start is missing
is missing
Please find below the details on the code employed: Please help me to
resolve the error. Many thanks.

*project structure*

TestEAR (ear)

--- module-A (ejb jar containing singleton stateless session bean)
--- module-B (jar containing service mbean)
--- meta-inf/jboss-service.xml

*singleton stateless session bean (under module-A JAR)*

@Resource(name="TestConfig", mappedName="java:/ConnectionFactory")
public class TestConfig {
... code ...

*jboss-service.xml (under meta-inf folder in TestEAR.ear)*

<mbean code="com.test.TestService" name="TestService">

*TestService.java (MBean) (under module-B JAR)*

public class TestService extends ServiceMBeanSupport implements TestMBean {
protected void startService() throws Exception {
protected void stopService() throws Exception {
protected void createService() throws Exception {
protected void destroyService() throws Exception {

*TestMBean.java (MBean interface) (under module-B JAR)*

public interface TestMBean extends org.jboss.system.ServiceMBean { }


Sridhar Thiyagarajan
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