[wildfly-dev] Moving component projects to a "feature pack" model?

Tristan Tarrant ttarrant at redhat.com
Fri May 29 08:53:42 EDT 2015

I just posted a partially related e-mail to this ML referencing an issue 
with the transaction subsystem, but I'd like to use that example in the 
context of feature packs.
Sanne is mentioning the use of FPs as a way to layer components on top 
of an existing distribution, but I would also like to be able to use 
components from the main distribution in a more granular fashion. Are 
there any plans to further breakdown WF into component feature packs so 
that they can be imported individually without having to base on a 
larger FP which contains unwanted components ?


On 28/05/2015 23:51, Sanne Grinovero wrote:
> # WHAT WE DID SO FAR (and worked quite ok)
> Since a couple of years, when releasing Hibernate Search, Hibernate
> OGM, Infinispan and other projects, besides merely uploading our jar
> and pom.xml files to Nexus we also upload a large tarball containing
> modules for WildFly: an "add on layer", not only useful for end users
> but also some other projects rely on this (e.g. Infinispan consumes
> the Hibernate Search one to keep an aggressive improvement pace).
> With each build of the projects these modules are not just built but
> also tested: integration tests download the latest stable WildFly
> version which we target, untar it, untar our own modules as a layer,
> run some Arquillian tests. Invaluable to get all dependency
> definitions and classloading right!
>   -- to make sure people can download our latest release, and it will
> work on their favourite app server
>   -- to be ready knowing how a stable module structure should be
> shaped, when a new version of WildFly integrates our latest
>   -- to benefit from the modules system by allowing different versions
> to co-exist on the same appserver (some people/project/product require
> this)
> This second goal had some issues recently, namely that while we know
> how we should structure the modules within WildFly, it happened that
> this wasn't re-creating exactly the model of what had been carefully
> tested within our project. The problem is that we have to repeat the
> build scripting - result might not be identical for obvious reasons -
> while most integration tests reside within the project.
> Tomaz was so nice to show me how to define feature packs, so that the
> WildFly build can - at build time - include the structure we define.
> It looks very promising, but on some areas we'll need some suggestions
> or perhaps a further evolution?
> ? How do we test the feature pack ?
> The goal of having WildFly use the module structure that we build
> "verbatim" is only interesting if we make sure these packs work
> correctly.
> Ideally we'd like to deploy them in Arquillian tests like we did with
> modules, and run integration tests on each commit.
> ? How can end users benefit from these ?
> We'd really want to enable our pool of users and contributors to use
> (and test!) any of our releases from "day zero".
> Typically people will want to run it on the latest stable version of
> WildFly, which implies something releases before "day zero".
> ? Versions and slot identifiers ?
> We release approximately every three weeks on average, and our slot
> conventions expect that "our" module releases use the
> slot={releaseVersion}, while the module included in WildFly has the
> slot="main".
> This seems to imply some need for slot transformations when the
> feature pack is consumed.
> ? Aliases ?
> We also include module aliases for each Major.Minor combination for
> the public-api module, which resolves to the latest major.minor.micro
> of the matching version.
> This is important to make sure we can include references to module
> dependencies maintained in other projects but limiting the scope to a
> compatible range, for example we have an optional dependency on
> Infinispan, not all Infinispan versions are compatible.
> My preferred solution would be to have WildFly actually not use "main"
> slot internally, but use our same alias pattern and in addition have
> an alias module - for the public API only - which has slot "main"
> resolve to the "major.minor" of the Hibernate Search version which was
> included.
> There are many benefits to this model, I'll avoid repeating them in
> this email; I shared some thoughts before:
>   - http://lists.jboss.org/pipermail/wildfly-dev/2015-April/003787.html
> I would love it if a similar pattern was to be applied to other
> modules, for example Hibernate Search doesn't work with any version of
> Hibernate ORM so depending on "slot main" has some dangers. Even more
> important when we deal with other modules released by other projects
> in similar packaging.
> ? "System" modules ?
> I noticed the feature pack structure includes the path to the module layer, i.e.
>   modules/system/layers/base/..
> But I take it we don't want to classify our "independently" released
> modules as belonging to the system/base layer?
> ? Conflicting versions ?
> I noticed the versions of all dependencies are listed once, in the
> root metadata of the feature pack. In some projects, like Hibernate
> OGM, we take strong advantage of modularity and actually bundle some
> libraries multiple times - of different versions - and use the modules
> magic to keep them strictly isolated.
> Is this going to be possible?
> Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
> Sanne
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Tristan Tarrant
Infinispan Lead
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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