[wildfly-dev] HTTP API support for plain JBoss-CLI commands

Jason Greene jason.greene at redhat.com
Fri May 29 12:52:26 EDT 2015

> On May 29, 2015, at 9:34 AM, Alexey Loubyansky <alexey.loubyansky at redhat.com> wrote:
> On 05/29/2015 02:51 PM, Darran Lofthouse wrote:
>> What we really have internally is a HTTP management interface and we
>> used to expose a native (JBoss Remoting) management interface that the
>> CLI would connect to - subsequently the CLI does connect to the HTTP
>> management interface but it performs a HTTP upgrade to now talk Remoting
>> over HTTP using DMR formatted messages.
>> For the HTTP management interface json was selected as the payload type
>> so that clients could be written in many languages that have libraries
>> to talk HTTP and handle json.
>> The CLI was then subsequently developed but with an emphasis on
>> assisting administrators constructing a request so things like tab
>> completion and automatic conversion.
>> A couple of things this thread throws up that I think could be useful: -
>>   - The ability to enter raw json requests into the CLI.
> There is a Jira issue open for this 
> https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFCORE-418
>>   - The ability to output the json representation of a command
>> constructed by the CLI.
> This is an easy one. There is echo-dmr command already. It could accept 
> --json argument to further transform the result to JSON.

Additionally I think we need:

- Ability to transform a ModelNode into CLI calls, and potentially code in various languages (WFCORE-721)
- Enhance the HTTP server API to follow REST patterns, including JSON patching (WFCORE-722)
- Add support for CLI style addressing within a ModelNode operation (instead of doing a list of kv pairs, you just pass it a CLI style address string(“/foo=bar/blah=something/etc=etc”)

Jason T. Greene
WildFly Lead / JBoss EAP Platform Architect
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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