[wildfly-dev] Wildfly on SLES 12 SP 2

Andreas Haumer andreas at xss.co.at
Thu Nov 7 02:58:36 EST 2019


Am 07.11.19 um 01:34 schrieb Brian Stansberry:
> Hi Lutfi,
> WildFly should run in SLES just fine.

I have Wildfly running as cluster service on a 2-node HA cluster built with SLES12 SP3.

I think the OS integration is one of the smaller problems getting a JEE application up
and running.

> To just play with it you can unzip it on your system, go to the bin dir in
> the unzipped installation and run the standalone.sh script. For more see
> https://docs.wildfly.org/18/Getting_Started_Guide.html
> I believe SLES 12 also supports systemd. Beside the init.d folder you
> found, there's also a systemd folder.

On SLES12 I would go with a system unit.

For our Cluster service we just do that.
I wrote a small systemd service file of type "simple",
just specifying the commandline to start Wildfly from
its installation directory on the cluster storage as
well as some dependencies.
This file is located in /etc/systemd/system

Wildfly specific configuration then goes into bin/standalone.conf

That way Wildfly can be started manually (by use of the systemctl command)
or automatically by the cluster

Works like a charm.


- andreas

Andreas Haumer                     | mailto:andreas at xss.co.at
*x Software + Systeme              | http://www.xss.co.at/
Karmarschgasse 51/2/20             | Tel: +43-1-6060114-0
A-1100 Vienna, Austria             | Fax: +43-1-6060114-71

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