[wildfly-dev] Read Elytron security domain from Undertow's ApplicationSecurityDomainService

Jim Ma ema at redhat.com
Thu Mar 12 07:44:49 EDT 2020

There is ws deployment failure issue[1] which is caused by Webservice
subsystem doesn't correctly get mapped elytron security domain from web
deployment's default  "other"
application security domain. I tried to fix this by reading Elytron
security domain from Undertow started services, but it looks now
ApplicationSecurityDomainService is private static and it doesn't provide a
getter which allows to get Elytron security domain. Webservice subsystem
requires an Undertow service like ApplicationSecurityDomainService[2]
started by EJB subsystem to read the Elytron security domain.  Is it doable
to change Undertow's ApplicationSecurityDomainService to provide mapped
security domain ? Or any better approach to get the mapped Elytron domain ?


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