[aerogear-dev] Early version of Android Tutorial

Matthias Wessendorf matzew at apache.org
Wed Jul 3 01:56:28 EDT 2013

On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 1:32 PM, Christos Vasilakis <cvasilak at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi Tommy,
> nice guide!
> did some formatting fixes on it and pushed on a branch here [1].
> Further, had some issues following the "Configure the Build" for eclipse
> section. In particular:
> *>> PushEEDemo relies upon “aerogear-android”, so we must enable the two
> to work in tandem on the build path. In Eclipse *
> *>> ADT,  right click “aerogear-android”, choose “Properties”, then
> choose “Android”, and check “Is Library”.*
> Apart from the 'Is library' checkbox, in the same form the user should
> select a build target >= 4.0 otherwise there will be errors of missing
> import statements of  "android.app.Fragment'.

I *think* the "Android support library" fixes that, see [1]

> *>> Now, right click >>“MainActivity” of PushEEDemo, and choose
> “Properties” again. Click “Java Build Path”, and check the box >> next to
> “aerogear->android”. This will include the necessary resources needed for
> AeroGear.
> *
> Unfortunately I couldn't find that but I solved the issue by selecting
> 'Android' from the left hand side of the Properties dialog, and on the
> "Library section I clicked  'Add' and added the dependency to
> 'aerogear-android' (found on the instructions suggested by the eclipse
> aerogear guide here<http://aerogear.org/docs/guides/GetStartedAndroidEclipse/>
> )

yes, that should be the right way.

> *>> Finally, we also need to add a few Android and Google resources to
> the build path of PushEEDemo….*
> *
> *
> Once the libraries were added on PushEEDemo and tried to run eclipse
> complained "Your project contains errors, please fix them before running
> your application", mainly cause aerogear-android has missing dependencies.
> To fix that the libraries should be added to the 'aerogear-android'
>  project and not on 'PushEEDemo'. Further the user should ensure on the
> "Order and Export Tab  the libraries are checked otherwise the dependent
> ant project "PushEEDemo" will complain. Once this is setup, the project run
> fluently :)
> (As a side note ADT tools provides a feature to add the support library,
> that is right clicking on the aerogear-android project and selecting
> "Android Tools->Add Support library…" will download the missing support
> library so probably for this, we can instruct the user to do that).
> My big cumbersome was downloading and configuring the missing libraries. I
> know that since aerogear-android uses maven
> (and with the Maven SDK Deployer installed) we can do:
> mvn dependency:copy  (after we git clone the project)
> that will install the missing libraries in the /libs folder of
> aerogear-android and then be auto picked up by eclipse when we import the
> project (adding only the support library using the ADT eclipse feature 'Add
> Support Library' and the google-play services.jar). I tried that too and
> worked fluenty.
> I think for the purpose of the guide it can use the method you describe
> e.g manually adding the dependencies but probably add a comment in the like
> that "you can skip the manual process  of downloading the libraries by
> using the maven sdk deployer plugin that aerogear-android uses, for more
> information see the installation instructions in the project's web site
> here <https://github.com/aerogear/aerogear-android>)
> I think Summers and Passos can comment better on this one.


I also had issues with Eclipse, and Summers already commented on some of
the issues there (see [1]).

> Nice work!



> Thanks,
> Christos
> [1] https://github.com/cvasilak/aerogear.org/commits/initial.review
> Depending upon your configuration, you may need to also reference the
> following external JARs (followed by location) in
> your aerogear-android project:
> On Jun 26, 2013, at 10:52 PM, Tommy McCarthy <tomccart at redhat.com> wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> I just pushed out the first iteration of the Android Push tutorial,
> similar to the iOS tutorial, to my GitHub account. I'm looking for some
> feedback on what I have so far (including style, content, depth, etc.)
> https://github.com/tmccarthy9/aerogear.org/tree/master/docs/guides/aerogear-push-android
> Of course, I will be both finishing and polishing it up before I submit a
> pull request, but I'd like to know what everyone thinks so far.
> Thanks for your help!
> Tommy McCarthy
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Matthias Wessendorf

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