[bv-dev] BVAL-238 Dependency injection in ConstraintViolation

Hardy Ferentschik hardy at hibernate.org
Mon Oct 24 04:11:31 EDT 2011

On Sat, 22 Oct 2011 10:51:25 +0200, Gunnar Morling  
<gunnar.morling at googlemail.com> wrote:

> concerning "How is CDI BeanManager (or equivalent) injected into Bean
> Validation?" I'm wondering whether we really require something like
> cdiBeanManager().

I find this odd as well. At the very least the integration should be  
untyped to
avoid introducing a hard dependency.

> So generally I think the BV/CDI integration should be more
> triggered/managed from the CDI side than the other way around.

I am not a big CDI expert, but that sounds reasonable to me.


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