[dna-dev] Calling all testers

Randall Hauch rhauch at redhat.com
Thu Nov 13 10:25:40 EST 2008

One of our latest issues (https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/DNA-231)  
deals with an XML processing problem.  I believe it has been fixed,  
and I've verified it runs on OS-X (with Java 5 and Java 6) as well as  
RHEL (on Java 5).  So, the issue is now marked as 'resolved'.

However, before we close the issue, I'd like to verify it works on  
more platforms.  So, I'm calling on this group to run the full suite  
of unit tests on your platform(s), with Java 5, Java 6 and/or Java 7.   
Please post your results as a comment on https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/DNA-231 

Thanks, and best regards,


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