[dna-dev] JBoss DNA 0.4 planning

Stefano Maestri stefano.maestri at javalinux.it
Mon Nov 17 15:17:42 EST 2008

Randall Hauch wrote on 04/11/08 19:37:
> Now that 0.3 is almost out the door, I'd like to start discussing the
> goals for the next release. 
>     * I'd love to see the JCR implementation take more shape.  Right
>       now it's read-only, so getting that much farther along would be
>       outstanding.  Anybody interested?  I think we could easily put
>       several people to work here.  The graph API is pretty good, and
>       should make implementing JCR relatively straightforward.  Any
>       interest, Michael Trezzi and Alexandre and Serge?
I'm definitively interested contributing here also because a starting
project for my daytime job will need DNA will support JCR writing. BTW
which kind of writing would we support in this release? Just on local
filesystem I guess.
Any plan for different kind of writing like relational DB or distributed
writing (hadoop for example)?

> We can either tackle several things at once and move them all
> incrementally, or we can do more in just a few areas.
My personal thoughts are that we need a strong effort for a complete JCR
I'll post very soon what my daytime project is and how it's related on
DNA, since I think it could be of some interest for the whole community
being one of the first enterprise project that would use DNA quiet

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