[dna-dev] JBoss DNA 0.4 planning

Stefano Maestri stefano.maestri at javalinux.it
Tue Nov 18 15:58:21 EST 2008

Randall Hauch wrote on 17/11/08 21:20:
> On Nov 17, 2008, at 2:17 PM, Stefano Maestri wrote:
>> Randall Hauch wrote on 04/11/08 19:37:
> Actually, this "writing" that we should support in 0.4 was referring
> to the parts of the JCR implementation that change the graph.  Right
> now, the JCR implementation only has implementations for the "read"
> methods.  Architecturally, the JCR implementation uses our new Graph
> API introduced in 0.3.  The idea is that the JCR implementation works
> with everything as graph content managed by a connector.  Even the
> NodeTypeManager would be implemented on top of the Graph API.  Events
> may also be addressed in 0.4, but versioning, search and query would
> likely be handled in 0.5.  (Actually, if that's true, then 0.5 might
> actually be 1.0).
ok, about events query and so on. I've understood they wouldn't go in 0.4
> Now, you asked about plans for storing graph content in a relational
> DB or other systems (e.g., Hadoop).  Just to be clear, the Graph API
> already supports reading and writing, and we'll be adding events in
> 0.4.  The only 0.3 connector that supports persisting content is the
> JBoss Cache connector (relying upon JBoss Cache's ability to persist
> the cache content in a relational database or file system).  But I'm
> already working on a new connector that stores graphs in a relational
> database using JPA (using Hibernate for the implementation). 
> Hopefully that will be available soon.
Yep I know about Graph API. I just skipped some step in my
question...I've been tired, sorry.
> Yes, I agree.  The question is if multiple people are working on the
> JCR implementation, do they collaborate on one feature at a time, or
> do they each work on their own part of the JCR implementation?  I
> don't have a preference, but would like those wanting to work on the
> JCR implementation to decide.
Depends on how much time each one can put in this implementation.
>From my side I think I can promise more or less a part time
collaboration (let me say 4 hours a day). Maybe some one of my men can
lend a hand too, but I'm not sure at the moment, it depends on how are
project will go.
>> I'll post very soon what my daytime project is and how it's related on
>> DNA, since I think it could be of some interest for the whole community
>> being one of the first enterprise project that would use DNA quiet
>> extensively.
> Wonderful!  Can't wait to see it.
Ok, on the wire ;)


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