[dna-dev] Estimates toward completion of 0.2 tasks

John Verhaeg jverhaeg at redhat.com
Thu Sep 4 17:57:16 EDT 2008

It looks like I'm going to be the long pole here. I've got at least a week, maybe two, left of work, partly because I have to split my time with work on the next MetaMatrix release next week. If someone had the time to tackle DNA-152 or -90, that would be appreciated (although we may have to collaborate a bit on 90). Randall, could you address DNA-71? 

John Verhaeg 
Red Hat, Inc. 
(314) 336-2950 

----- "Randall Hauch" wrote: 
| We're getting close to another release, and we need to start buttoning 
| up the outstanding work. I'd like to finish things up as quickly as 
| possible, and would love to release next week. Thoughts? 
| As of this morning, we have 11 outstanding issues for 0.2 in JIRA, and 
| the majority of those are related to the JCR implementation. I'll 
| actually be adding a few more for some documentation work that needs 
| to be done. If you're assigned any outstanding issues (John, Serge, 
| Michael), please reply to this email with an estimate of the work 
| needed to complete all of your tasks. 
| Best regards, 
| Randall 
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