[dna-dev] Running the tests against different DBMSes

Randall Hauch rhauch at redhat.com
Wed Sep 16 19:17:59 EDT 2009

In case you haven't seen it yet, we have a new way of running our  
integration tests against different DBMSes.  All the old commands  
work, but now we're able to test against different DBMSes without  
having to change any of the source (well, maybe the parent POM.xml if  
you have your own databases).  I've run the tests against HSQLDB,  
Oracle 10g and PostgreSQL 8.4, and will be running against some of the  
others as we obtain databases in our QA lab.


This resolves https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/DNA-521

Best regards,


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