[dna-dev] Announcing JBoss DNA 0.6

Randall Hauch rhauch at redhat.com
Mon Sep 14 10:05:41 EDT 2009

I forgot to mention that there have been a few changes in the  
directory structure under 'trunk':

1) The 'dna-web-jcr-rest' and 'dna-web-jcr-rest-war' projects were  
moved from the 'extensions' directory into a new 'web' directory.  Dan  
will soon be adding under 'web' a new project for a REST client  
library (that's used in the Eclipse plugin he's rockin' on).
2) The 'extensions/dna-connector-federation' project has been removed.  
This was the first generation connector that was rewritten and moved  
into 'dna-graph' to enable it to be reused more easily.

Please adjust your IDE's accordingly.

Best regards,


On Sep 13, 2009, at 8:56 PM, Randall Hauch wrote:

> We've just released version 0.6 of JBoss DNA.  This release brings a
> lot of fixes and a number of really great new features.  We've
> actually done a fair amount of additional integration, and we're
> getting great feedback from our user community.  Thanks to all the
> JBoss DNA team for all the hard work!
> Check out our recent blog post for more details about the release, the
> new features (including the new Infinispan connector!), and what's
> coming next.
> http://jbossdna.blogspot.com/2009/09/announcing-jboss-dna-06.html
> The SVN repository has a new tag (https://svn.jboss.org/repos/dna/tags/dna-0.6/
> ), and the trunk has been changed to 0.7-SNAPSHOT.  If there are any
> questions or comments, just reply here.
> Best regards,
> Randall
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