[dna-dev] The 0.7 release is looming - please update JIRA issues

Randall Hauch rhauch at redhat.com
Sun Jan 10 14:08:21 EST 2010

We're just a few issues away from freezing SVN for the 0.7 release.  Brian and I are wrapping up the final edits of the Reference and Getting Started guides, and there's one outstanding issue with the TCK tests running against the JPA connector (the old basic model).

Everything else should be on hold.  And once 0.7 is out the door, I'll be locking down the SVN repository and beginning the rebranding effort. Hopefully I'll have all the code changed to the new package structure and loaded in to ModeShape SVN repository within a day or two of 0.7. Remember, the ModeShape SVN will have a completely different structure, so plan on spending a little time getting your development environments up and running.  And if you have local changes, be aware that you'll probably have to manually fuss with the paths in the patch files before you apply them to the ModeShape code.

Stay tuned!

Best regards,


On Jan 7, 2010, at 2:08 AM, Randall Hauch wrote:

> We're trying to tie up all the loose ends for the 0.7 release. We have just a few blockers that we're actively working, and one documentation issue that I do plan on finishing in the next day or two.  However, the following issues are up for discussion (but unless they can be resolved in the next day or two, they're very likely be pushed to 0.7):
> https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/DNA-367 AbstractJcrNode.getReferences() Is Incorrect
> https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/DNA-368 Referenced Nodes Can Be Deleted
> https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/DNA-614 REST client osgi bundle for the Eclipse plugin
> If you're working on these or know the latest status, please make sure the issue is updated and add a comment stating whether you think it should be kept in 0.7 or pushed to 1.0 (or later).
> Best regards,
> Randall
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