[Hawkular-dev] Ways to Test Availability Down?

Michael Foley mfoley at redhat.com
Fri Apr 10 08:28:04 EDT 2015

Hi Michael, 

This is a great question ... thank you for raising it. 

So you are asking about a mock resource ... or test fixture ... to facilitate integration testing of Hawkular? I think that is a great idea. In fact, I can envision a small portfolio or quiver of mock resources or test fixutres: 

    * availability up 
    * availability down 
    * availability unknown 
    * generating metrics low volume 
    * generating metrics high volume 
    * etc ... 
    * to cover absolutely every primary use-case & resource that Hawkular would me monitoring 

I agree if we had a set, quiver, portfolio, or inventory of test fixtures it would facilitate integration testing. 

Next question ... might be "where"? 

    * on the JON QE Bladecenter ... 
    * in a private Docker registry 

        * developers and QE could do a 'docker pull' and get whatever fixture they needed 
        * this would de-couple the fixtures from the bladecenter ...and allow the test fixtures to be manipulated more easily by the developers and QE 
in a public Docker registry 

        * this would decouple from the bladecenter 
        * allow developers in the community to use these test fixtures 

Something I saw recently ... is this thing called Arqullian Cube ... which can be used to control the lifecycle of Docker containers as part of integration tests. Some info here ... --->> http://blog.arungupta.me/run-javaee-tests-wildfly-docker-arquillian-cube/ So with this approach possibly ... integration tests could be written where test fixtures for availability up/down/unknown are programmatically spun up in Docker and automated integration tests run. 

Also ... another possible approach ... is to programmatically control these test fixtures in our Bladecenter via a REST API. So we/QE built a REST API to wrap the RHEV/Foreman infrastructure in our Bladecenter. So anything that can be done thru the UI can be done programmatically. So you can imagine an integration test for availability... where in @BeforeClass ... the automated test makes a REST call to spin up ...say ... an availability unknown test fixture ...and some tests run. 

Let's please talk more about this. I would like to learn more about your mock site idea where the availability state changes on a schedule. I'll set up a Bluejeans time and an etherpad where we can discuss this ...requirements, approaches, use-cases, etc .... 


Michael Foley 
JON and Lumbini QE Supervisor 

----- Original Message -----

From: "mike thompson" <mithomps at redhat.com> 
To: "Discussions around Hawkular development" <Hawkular-dev at lists.jboss.org> 
Cc: "Michael Foley" <mfoley at redhat.com>, "Armine Hovsepyan" <ahovsepy at redhat.com> 
Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2015 10:24:45 PM 
Subject: Ways to Test Availability Down? 

I guess this question is mainly targeted to Hawkular QE. So all of my testing (especially on a dev box) shows availability 100% (as most sites will). So while I can mock this in code to show downtime and unknown. It appears that we need a consistent way to demonstrate up/down/unknown/whatever else. Is there a QE way to do this currently? 

I’m thinking a mock site that changes states every 5 or 10 minutes that is publicly available. This way we could all link our integration tests to this site to provide full coverage of states(and there could be other availability states like I have mentioned in other Hawkular ML mails). 

The use case I want to add is as a developer I want to test all availability states within a half hour (or whatever timeframe, but as everything waits on tests passing less is better) by pulling in certain site(s). 


— Mike T 

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