[Hawkular-dev] Add JDBC Driver support in Agent

Peter Palaga ppalaga at redhat.com
Mon Aug 31 12:48:20 EDT 2015

Hi *,

there is a requirement for Agent to support adding JDBC drivers

The named Jira does not name any standalone/domain/local/remote related 
limitations for the functionality, hence the functionality should be 
there for all modes.

As already noticed on IRC, WildFly 9's jboss-cli.sh offers the 
possibility to add a module, but it works only for the local machine in 
standalone mode. Remote servers or domain mode are not supported.

So clearly, for now, we can support the standalone local mode using the 
same means as jboss-cli, but how should we proceed further?
Should we
(a) wait for WildFly to implement the missing functionality, or
(b) contribute to Wildfly or
(c) create a minimal Agent to install on remote servers to provide the 
functionality missing in WildFly itself (as proposed by Heiko)?



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