[Hawkular-dev] wildfly agent can remove resources now

John Mazzitelli mazz at redhat.com
Sat Dec 26 23:19:09 EST 2015

The Hawkular WildFly Agent can now remove resources from inventory. Today, you can remove datasources and jdbc drivers and (I think) deployments (though I actually haven't tested deployments yet). I just tested the removal of a datasource from the UI and it worked (though, has anyone noticed the websocket connectivity is flaky in the UI? sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't).

The agent is getting in much better shape now. In prior releases of the agent, if anything changed in inventory (like a resource configuration property changed its value or a new resource was added, or a resource was removed) you had to restart the agent to pick up the change. Now the agent has auto-discovery scans running periodically and can discovery and update inventory on the fly. In addition, I made the inventory management more efficient - each full scan will now only tell Hawkular-Inventory about things that changed since the last time the agent sent up inventory - so if you perform a scan every 10 minutes but nothing changes, nothing will go to hawkular-inventory (before, the agent would always send everything all over again even if nothing changed).

I released the agent with all these enhancements - 0.15.1.Final. Hopefully people will get a chance to beat on it and tell me what I broke :)

OK, *now* I'll start my vacation. :)

--John Mazz

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