[Hawkular-dev] Maven repositories in Hawkular Parent

Heiko W.Rupp hrupp at redhat.com
Tue Feb 17 02:56:59 EST 2015

> Am 16.02.2015 um 21:49 schrieb Peter Palaga <ppalaga at redhat.com>:
> Are you wanting to make the main hawkular project dependent on
> components's SNAPSHOTs?

*Named* snapshots.

The underlying issue is that we want on each push to a master branch in one
of the projects to build it with the available dependencies (and the deploy - the
latter is not yet there but being worked on).
To achieve this, we need to have a "cache" that is reachable from Travis or for
internal and community users with the latest dependencies. They should never
need to check out a sub-project they are not interested in to compile the component
they want to work on.
And for the moment the idea is/was to use the snapshots repo of Nexus as this cache.

Of course we could release (with all the expensive release procedure) a 1.x.0 release
of all the components after a successful build, but I think this is not how publishing
to Central is supposed to work and we also so not want to spam it with hundreds of 
versions of our stuff.

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