[Hawkular-dev] Maven repositories in Hawkular Parent

Lukas Krejci lkrejci at redhat.com
Tue Feb 17 05:42:42 EST 2015

> > Once again, you really want to introduce -SNAPSHOT deps master branches?

> For now, in my opinion (which may not be worth much in these discussions)
> the answer is "yes." We already saw the problem last week when no one could
> really build the integration server without having to manually build all
> the components themselves (alerts, inventory, pinger, bus, etc). And we
> don't want them to be non-snapshots because this work is moving at a fast
> pace - we don't want to have to worry about, say, waiting for Jay/Lucas to
> bump up their alerts version #, and releasing it.
> BTW: we still can't build the integration server because the pinger and
> notifier/inventory stuff is in heiko's branches - so you still need to
> build those. But soon we should think about getting them in the hawkular
> repo - that might cause a heart attack in Lukas K. but if we promise to
> redo it later, I think he'll survive the hospital visit. :}

I merged the changes myself, so the notifier is in hawkular-inventory 
(https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular-inventory/pull/12). You know me well - 
my soul died a little doing it 

> Requiring non-SNAPSHOTS everywhere may work perfectly fine once we have some
> actual product out the door, but right now, we are moving so fast to try to
> get something out ASAP that we really need to support SNAPSHOT builds.

+1. I bit the bullet with actually depending on the bus in the component code 
(the horrors!), because of the same reason - we unfortunately need to move 
fast and can't afford to be purist ATM. 

That said, all these violations should be filed as release blockers 

> Again, I am not advocating one way or the other - I'm just pointing out the
> pain point I had last week, and the fact that it was the inability to get
> SNAPSHOTs from the repos is what was the cause.
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