[Hawkular-dev] 0.3.0.Final of Hawkular Alerts

Jay Shaughnessy jshaughn at redhat.com
Mon Jul 20 17:34:09 EDT 2015

We're happy to announce 0.3.0.Final of Hawkular Alerts.   A bunch of 
good stuff this time around, here are the relevant Jiras and a few 
highlight blurbs:

** Enhancement
     * [HWKALERTS-17] - Refactor to eliminate EE dependencies of EJB3

     Now packaged as a WAR as opposed to an EAR, for easier consumption 
in another EAR.

     * [HWKALERTS-50] - Integrate with Hawkular Metrics

     A value-add External Alerter deployment (WAR)  that adds more 
alerting power when integrated with Hawkular Metrics.  Thanks to John 
Sanda for his help.

     * [HWKALERTS-52] - Hooks for external alerts

     A mechanism for integrating External Alerters into Hawkular 
Alerts.  Allows external clients to leverage the Hawkular Alerts Trigger 
and Action infrastructure.

     * [HWKALERTS-57] - Improve the way actions plugins access 
information related to an alert

     Now Actions and Notifiers have full access (via JSON) to the Alert 

     * [HWKALERTS-59] - Review if 204 return code can be changed to an 
empty list

     API CHANGE! Get Alerts now returns and empty list as opposed to 204 
when the criteria results in in no alerts.

     * [HWKALERTS-60] - Review end point for alert resolution

     New REST endpoints for Ack or Resolve of a single alert.

     * [HWKALERTS-62] - Allow any data to store contextual information

     Optionally Store a Map of context data with any datum sent into 
alerts for evaluation.  Then use that context info in your actions.

     * [HWKALERTS-65] - Adapt email plugin to support multiple 
conditions and multiple states

     Big enhancements in e-mail notifier for rich messages at different 
life-cycle points.

     * [HWKALERTS-67] - Update gson dependencies with jackson

     Remove use of GSON, now depends on fasterxml provided by Wildfly.

** Feature Request
     * [HWKALERTS-64] - Enable trigger on alert resolution

     - Now can AutoEnable an [Auto]Disabled Trigger when its alerts are 
     - Now automatically returns an AutoResolve Trigger  to firing mode 
when its alerts are manually resolved.

Please contact us with any questions, comments or contributions!

Jay Shaughnessy  (jshaughn at redhat.com)
Lucas Ponce (lponce at redhat.com)

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