[Hawkular-dev] Hawkular BTM 0.2.0.Final released

Gary Brown gbrown at redhat.com
Wed Jul 22 03:17:07 EDT 2015

Hi all

I'm pleased to announce the release of version 0.2.0.Final of Hawkular BTM. The main focus for this release has been on enhancing the business transaction collection capabilities.

A quick demo of this version, showing monitoring of two Vertx applications, can be found here: https://youtu.be/TtAXiYhqTSk

Highlights of this release:

    * URI inclusion/exclusion support, allowing business transactions to be filtered based on initial URIs of interest.

    * Propagate business transaction name, identified based on inclusion URI, through subsequent fragments for the same business transaction instance.

    * Child node suppression - provide a mechanism for ignoring child nodes where they add no value. The specific case that prompted this mechanism was when instrumenting JDBC prepared statements.

    * Provide mechanism for capturing header values from different message types, for use where a simple map is not available

    * Define instrumentation rules for Vertx (HTTP and EventBus).

    * Administration REST service, responsible for providing the collector configuration. This means that the configuration no longer needs to be defined in the client (execution) environment.

    * Batch reporting of business transactions to the server.

    * Configuration switch to determine if only named business transactions should be reported. Default is false, to enable discovery of business transaction (fragments) available from the execution environment(s) being monitored, but when in a production environment, we would only want the fragments of interest to be reported.

    * Instrumentation rule versioning mechanism. This will enable rules that are only applicable up until a certain version of a technology to be superseded by newer versions of the rule.

The release can be found here: https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular-btm/releases/tag/0.2.0.Final

The detailed release notes can be found here: https://issues.jboss.org/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12316120&version=12327550

Feature requests and bugs should be reported in our project jira: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/HWKBTM


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