[Hawkular-dev] Event Store

Heiko W.Rupp hrupp at redhat.com
Tue May 12 05:51:49 EDT 2015

On 9 May 2015, at 18:33, Gary Brown wrote:
> I think we probably need to revisit the use cases for the event store

Yes, please start with this. A good number of the previous messages 
dealt with
implementation details of a sub use case.

We may have several types of the (abstract) "Event" like
- Audit record
- Fired Alert
- BTM call results
- remote syslog
- ...

that all have their specific details. With a header field in the Bus 
we can differentiate them later for further processing.

We need some degree of separation here, as e.g. Audit records are 
The user should not be able via normal means to delete (individual) 
records, while
for other types, we may care less.
Also for Audit records I see a need to persist them to some external 
storage before
expiring them, which may not be true for other types.

Within the Hawkular family of projects, I also think, this should be a 
new separate
(logical) component, that may even use the common C* store as Inventory, 
Metrics and
Alerts already do.
We should nevertheless not merge it into the others, as the requirements 
are much

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