[Hawkular-dev] Plans for Alerts UI

Gary Brown gbrown at redhat.com
Wed May 13 11:46:30 EDT 2015


As mentioned at the F2F, one of the things I need to do with BTM is ensure that it will be capable of providing equivalent functionality that is currently in RTGov.

If Alerts are used in place of RTGov Situations, then from the UI the user would need to be able to perform various tasks when focused on a particular alert, including viewing/editing a message for resubmission to the originating service, navigate to the business transaction instance view, etc.

It would be useful if there was a way to provide plugins to the alerts UI to register actions that could be performed, or contribute additional UI tabs that can perform capabilities related to the selected alert.

Is this going to be technically possible with hawt.io/angular to add such extension points?

What is the best way to proceed - should I just create a jira for now?


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