[Hawkular-dev] H-Services vs. src-deps

Juraci Paixão Kröhling jpkroehling at redhat.com
Tue Aug 2 03:38:21 EDT 2016


It seems there's a small confusion about src-deps and H-Services. 
H-Services is a module that is released every week, given that there's 
at least one new commit since the last release.

The src-deps plugin is very helpful for our daily work, as it allows us 
to use a given commit as a dependency for our modules, but it's not 
appropriate for released artifacts, as it kinda breaks the stability 
promise that "a released artifact uses only released artifacts" that is 
common on Maven. Besides, I believe there were problems in the past 
between src-deps and the maven-release-plugin.

So, avoid sending PRs with src-deps to H-Services. If for some reason 
you really need to, switch it to a proper version before Tuesday morning.

- Juca.

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