[Hawkular-dev] H-Services vs. src-deps

Jay Shaughnessy jshaughn at redhat.com
Tue Aug 2 15:34:42 EDT 2016

The problem with this it makes it hard to let devs have some soak time 
with a change without making releases for every commit.  For example, 
right now I have a PR for commons and a change in hawkular-services that 
depends on it.  In this scheme the services PR can not be merged until 
commons is released.  I think it's reasonable to maybe use a src-dep in 
this situation, let commons perhaps get a few more changes during the 
week, and then release commons on Friday or Monday.

On 8/2/2016 3:38 AM, Juraci Paixão Kröhling wrote:
> Team,
> It seems there's a small confusion about src-deps and H-Services.
> H-Services is a module that is released every week, given that there's
> at least one new commit since the last release.
> The src-deps plugin is very helpful for our daily work, as it allows us
> to use a given commit as a dependency for our modules, but it's not
> appropriate for released artifacts, as it kinda breaks the stability
> promise that "a released artifact uses only released artifacts" that is
> common on Maven. Besides, I believe there were problems in the past
> between src-deps and the maven-release-plugin.
> So, avoid sending PRs with src-deps to H-Services. If for some reason
> you really need to, switch it to a proper version before Tuesday morning.
> - Juca.
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