[Hawkular-dev] H-Services vs. src-deps

Heiko W.Rupp hrupp at redhat.com
Wed Aug 3 03:03:31 EDT 2016

On 2 Aug 2016, at 21:34, Jay Shaughnessy wrote:

We are releasing h-services weekly to
- remove the pressure of cramming everything in, because the next
  release is far away
- allow to introduce new features and get them to public testing for

Of course one should not commit stuff that is knowingly broken.
But having it in h-services gives the soak time we need.

> PR can not be merged until commons is released.  I think it's 
> reasonable to maybe use a src-dep in this situation, let commons 
> perhaps get a few more changes during the week, and then release 
> commons on Friday or Monday.

If there is a way to make sure everything is in good shape on
Monday evening (us time), *I* could also imagine using src-deps
for during the week.
The question is though: what happens if on Tuesday there are still
src-deps in h-services? Roll back to previous release? Cascade this?

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