[Hawkular-dev] H-Services vs. src-deps

Jay Shaughnessy jshaughn at redhat.com
Wed Aug 3 09:25:28 EDT 2016

> If there is a way to make sure everything is in good shape on
> Monday evening (us time), *I* could also imagine using src-deps
> for during the week.
> The question is though: what happens if on Tuesday there are still
> src-deps in h-services? Roll back to previous release? Cascade this?

Right, this is really the issue with allowing src-dep.  Personally, I 
think we can survive this issue with just a bit of personal 
responsibility.  If you are responsible for the src-dep being in master 
then you are responsible for ensuring it doesn't block the release.  So, 
by Friday, or Monday at the latest, either get rid of it yourself by 
doing a release of the component and updating the pom, or, find someone 
to do it.   So, for the scenario I originally presented, I'll actually 
have PR for services with a commons src-dep.  Before the release I'll 
ensure services is based on a release.

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