[Hawkular-dev] Hawkular Metrics 0.18.0 - Release

Stefan Negrea snegrea at redhat.com
Wed Aug 3 15:33:45 EDT 2016

Hello Everybody,

I am happy to announce release 0.18.0 of Hawkular Metrics. This release is
anchored by performance enhancements and a new internal job scheduler.

Here is a list of major changes:


   *InfluxDB API - REMOVED*
   - The InfluxDB compatibility API has been removed from the code base.
      - This was an addition to make project integrations easier. As the
      REST interface matured, the role of the InfluxDB compatibility interface
      was reduced only serve as the Grafana interface. With the release of the
      native Grafana plugin, this was no longer needed.
      - For more details: HWKMETRICS-431

   *Fetching Stats Data - Multiple Metrics - Experimental*
   - Prior to this release, it was possible to only fetch stats for a
      single metric type at a time. This release added POST
      /metrics/stats/query endpoint that allows querying for mixed type
      stats for multiple metrics.
      - The endpoint accepts a list of metrics ids and allows filtering by
      providing start time, end time, sort order and limit, as well as the
      typical stats options such as bucket duration, number of buckets, or
      - For more details: HWKMETRICS-424

   *Performance Enhancements*
   - All the JAX-RS handlers are now singletons. This reduces the GC
      pressure and was relatively simple change since the code was completely
      stateless. The change lead to a significant performance
increase. For more
      details: HWKMETRICS-437

   *Job Scheduler - New Implementation - Experimental*
   - The new internal job scheduler is by far the biggest contribution in
      this release.
      - This is the foundation for a number of features that will make
      their way into upcoming releases; a few examples are metric aggregates,
      adjustable data retention, or complex data purges.
      - The implementation keeps the Hawkular Metrics server stateless so
      scaling will be just as easy going forward, with zero additional
      - The job scheduler will be used only for internal tasks.
      - For more details: HWKMETRICS-360
      <https://issues.jboss.org/browse/HWKMETRICS-360>, HWKMETRICS-375

*Hawkular Metrics Clients*

   - Python: https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular-client-python
   - Go: https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular-client-go
   - Ruby: https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular-client-ruby
   - Java: https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular-client-java

Release Links

Github Release:

JBoss Nexus Maven artifacts:

Jira release tracker:

A big "Thank you" goes to John Sanda, Thomas Segismont, Mike Thompson, Matt
Wringe, Michael Burman, and Heiko Rupp for their project contributions.

Thank you,
Stefan Negrea
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