[Hawkular-dev] HawkFX on Mac OS X issues?

Thomas Cunningham tcunning at redhat.com
Thu Dec 22 15:52:34 EST 2016


I'm trying to use HawkFX on Mac OS X - I have it working great on Fedora
but would like to set it up on my Mac OS X box as well.    I've got no
experience with ruby or jruby so I may be doing something wrong here in
installation, because I'm seeing the following :

lilguylaptop:hawkfx cunningt$ jruby -S -G hawkfx.rb

NameError: uninitialized constant G

Did you mean?  GC

  const_missing at org/jruby/RubyModule.java:3348

             <main> at -G:

I installed rvm through homebrew and followed the current instructions in
the README.adoc.    Should I be installing from source using a tool other
than homebrew to install rvm?    It looks like I'm using rvm 1.28.0 and
jruby   Does that seem right?

Other possibly useful info :

Mac OS X 10.12

java 1.8.0_31
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