[Hawkular-dev] where should integration/glue code and tests live?

Juraci Paixão Kröhling jpkroehling at redhat.com
Fri Jan 15 06:26:56 EST 2016

In my opinion, there has to be tests in the components testing the 
"public API", ie, integration points that other components might use. In 
Accounts' case, it needs to have tests that assert that, for instance, 
the permission checker works as per the contract. The test itself is my 
"consumer", playing the role of a downstream component.

In Hawkular (aka: the ultimate glue), there has to be tests that assert 
workflows, probably exercising multiple components. Those would be used 
to accept or reject a PR.

So, my answer is: there has to be itests in all components, plus "real 
workflow" tests on Hawkular, possibly even doing things on the UI.

- Juca.

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