[Hawkular-dev] Github - Protected Branches

Stefan Negrea snegrea at redhat.com
Thu Jan 28 09:51:43 EST 2016

Hello Everybody,

I did a mistake force push yesterday on the master branch of Metrics and wiped a few commits. I was working on a PR and instead of force pushing the PR I did it on the master. And we did not notice that until late today. This could have partially been avoid by me working on fork. I do not like to work on a fork for the Metrics project because it is a constant churn of branching, getting new code, merging since I actively work on a project. But that by itself would not have avoided this force push at all. I knew about force push protection feature in general but never thought about activating it. Thanks to Juca for mentioning it in the channel.

As a way to avoid mistakes like this in the future, I enabled force push protection for the default branch on all Hawkular org repositories. This should have been enabled from the start. 

For the future, I recommend enabling this on all new sub-projects. Also, if you have other important branches in your sub-project please enable force push protection for all of them. You can find this in Settings -> Branches -> Protected Branches - http://snag.gy/GK4ic.jpg (thanks again to Juca for the screenshot). 

Thank you,
Stefan Negrea

Software Engineer

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