[infinispan-dev] Fwd: EC2 Demo feedback

Pete Muir pmuir at redhat.com
Thu Jan 20 09:33:31 EST 2011

Note, I am intentionally being very dumb when testing out these demos, and giving up at the first sign of trouble to try to simulate a beginner ;-)

1) I wonder if the instructions would be better off on the wiki, as you need to do steps before opening up the readme really (start the instances, download the zip etc.)
2) Instructions are pretty limited on some stuff, like what EC2 AMI to use, how to get your software on there etc. At least some basics like AMI to use, links to EC2 docs would be nice. (NB I spoke to Marek Goldman and he is publishing an AS6 AMI soon, that would allow us to very easily make these instructions more concrete).
3) Include details about what ports to open etc.
4) Tutorial mentions specific jar versions, best to remove these to make it easier to maintain
5) Tutorial mentions a bunch of jars but not where they are in the zip
6) Tutorial mentions infinispan-all.jar which I can't find, I guess it means infinispan-core.jar
7) Tutorial talks about infinispan-ec2-demo-web.war which I can't find, guess it means modules/ec2-ui/infinispan-ec2-demoui.war 
8) This tutorial would be much better as a series of steps than as a set of paragraphs, I was missing stuff out (the info is too dense)
9) I get this error when deploying the app

11:01:54,507 INFO  [TomcatDeployment] deploy, ctxPath=/infinispan-ec2-demoui
11:01:54,593 INFO  [STDOUT] in CacheServletListener
11:01:54,593 INFO  [STDOUT] CacheBuilder called with ${CFGPath}/infinispan-ec2-config.xml
11:01:54,595 ERROR [STDERR] java.io.FileNotFoundException: File ${CFGPath}/infinispan-ec2-config.xml could not be found, either on the classpath or on the file system!
11:01:54,596 ERROR [STDERR] 	at org.infinispan.config.InfinispanConfiguration.findInputStream(InfinispanConfiguration.java:395)
11:01:54,596 ERROR [STDERR] 	at org.infinispan.config.InfinispanConfiguration.newInfinispanConfiguration(InfinispanConfiguration.java:134)
11:01:54,596 ERROR [STDERR] 	at org.infinispan.manager.DefaultCacheManager.<init>(DefaultCacheManager.java:243)
11:01:54,596 ERROR [STDERR] 	at org.infinispan.ec2demo.CacheBuilder.<init>(CacheBuilder.java:23)
11:01:54,597 ERROR [STDERR] 	at org.infinispan.ec2demo.web.CacheServletListener.contextInitialized(CacheServletListener.java:35)
11:01:54,597 ERROR [STDERR] 	at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.contextListenerStart(StandardContext.java:3369)

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