[infinispan-dev] A question and an observation

Bela Ban bban at redhat.com
Mon Jul 7 04:14:24 EDT 2014

1: Observation:
In my Infinispan perf test (IspnPerfTest), I used 
cache.getAdvancedCache().withFlags(...).put(key,value) in a tight loop.

I've always thought that withFlags() was a fast operation, *but this is 
not the case* !!

Once I changed this and predefined the 2 caches (sync and async) at the 
start, outside the loop, things got 10x faster ! So please change this 
if you made the same mistake !

2. Question:
In Infinispan 6, I defined my custom transport as follows:
<transport ... transportClass="org.perf.CustomTransport"/>

This is gone in 7. Do I now have to use programmatic configuration ? If 
so, how would I do this ?

Bela Ban, JGroups lead (http://www.jgroups.org)

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