[jboss-as7-dev] module usability issue? or intended?

Remy Maucherat rmaucher at redhat.com
Wed Jul 6 10:58:03 EDT 2011

On Wed, 2011-07-06 at 09:35 -0500, Jason T. Greene wrote:
> Bah this is all wrong (and inconsistent)! All Bill should have to do is 
> either a) deploy security plugin deployment or b) add a new security 
> extension module and reference it from the domain configuration. He 
> shouldn't have to muck with the picketlink module descriptors. I'll 
> create an issue for this.

Ok, I would like some clarification then.

When deploying a web extension component (like a web valve, listener,
etc), I expect right now the user to create a module, then declare that
it will load his component class from the specified module (but without
having to edit the web module to add the newly added module as a
dependency). Is that ok ?

Remy Maucherat <rmaucher at redhat.com>
Red Hat Inc

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