[jboss-as7-dev] importance of model descriptions and request validation

Alexey Loubyansky alexey.loubyansky at redhat.com
Mon Oct 31 08:35:29 EDT 2011

We don't validate request properties on the server side. Not in general, 
at least. It's a responsibility of handler implementations that, in a 
good case, validate only property values.

There were complains from CLI users about the fact that unsupported 
properties in requests (put by mistake) were simply ignored w/o a 
warning. I think it makes sense to fix it in a general way on the server 
Anyway, I added validation in the CLI based on the model description.

So now, of course, if a model description is incomplete, the CLI won't 
allow an operation request which is actually correct.

Here is one example
AS7-2432 CLI does not allow a new security-realm to be defined within 
the management section of a host


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