[jboss-cvs] JBoss Messaging SVN: r8027 - projects/eap-docs/tags/JBoss_Messaging_User_Guide_EAP_5_1_0/Messaging_1_4_6/en-US.

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Thu May 27 02:38:38 EDT 2010

Author: jaredmorgs
Date: 2010-05-27 02:38:38 -0400 (Thu, 27 May 2010)
New Revision: 8027

minor update to version numbers

Modified: projects/eap-docs/tags/JBoss_Messaging_User_Guide_EAP_5_1_0/Messaging_1_4_6/en-US/Book_Info.xml
--- projects/eap-docs/tags/JBoss_Messaging_User_Guide_EAP_5_1_0/Messaging_1_4_6/en-US/Book_Info.xml	2010-05-27 06:26:06 UTC (rev 8026)
+++ projects/eap-docs/tags/JBoss_Messaging_User_Guide_EAP_5_1_0/Messaging_1_4_6/en-US/Book_Info.xml	2010-05-27 06:38:38 UTC (rev 8027)
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-	<title>JBoss Messaging User Guide</title>
-      <subtitle>for Use with JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5.0</subtitle>
-    <edition>1</edition>
-    <pubsnumber>4</pubsnumber>
-	<productname>JBoss Enterprise Application Platform</productname>
-	<productnumber>5.0</productnumber>
-    <pubdate>September, 2009</pubdate>
-	<abstract>
-		<para>
+  <title>JBoss Messaging User Guide</title>
+  <subtitle>for Use with JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5.0</subtitle>
+  <edition>2</edition>
+  <pubsnumber>4</pubsnumber>
+  <productname>JBoss Enterprise Application Platform</productname>
+  <productnumber>5.0</productnumber>
+  <pubdate>August 2010</pubdate>
+  <abstract>
+    <para>
           The JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Edition of the JBoss Messaging version 1.4.6 User Guide.
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+    <year>&YEAR;</year>
+    <holder>&HOLDER;</holder>
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Modified: projects/eap-docs/tags/JBoss_Messaging_User_Guide_EAP_5_1_0/Messaging_1_4_6/en-US/Configuration.xml
--- projects/eap-docs/tags/JBoss_Messaging_User_Guide_EAP_5_1_0/Messaging_1_4_6/en-US/Configuration.xml	2010-05-27 06:26:06 UTC (rev 8026)
+++ projects/eap-docs/tags/JBoss_Messaging_User_Guide_EAP_5_1_0/Messaging_1_4_6/en-US/Configuration.xml	2010-05-27 06:38:38 UTC (rev 8027)
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 <chapter id="configuration">
     The Java Message Service (JMS) API specifies how a messaging client interacts with a messaging server. How messaging services such as message destinations and connection factories are defined and implemented depends on the JMS provider. JBoss Messaging has its own files for service configuration. <!--If you are migrating services from JBossMQ (or other JMS provider) to JBoss Messaging, you will need to understand those configuration files.-->
     This chapter shows you how to configure various services available in JBoss Messaging that work together to provide JMS API-level services to client applications.
     JBoss Messaging configuration is divided between several configuration files. Depending on the type of service provided, configuration information is divided between <filename>messaging-service.xml</filename>, <filename>remoting-bisocket-service.xml</filename>, <filename>&lt;your database type&gt;-persistence-service.xml</filename>, <filename>connection-factories-service.xml</filename> and <filename>destinations-service.xml</filename>.
     AOP interceptor stacks can be configured in <filename>aop-messaging-client.xml</filename> (for client-side behavior) and <filename>aop-messaging-server.xml</filename> (for server-side behavior). There is usually no need to change these files, but some interceptors can be removed to improve performance if they are not required. Ensure that you have considered the security implications before removing the security interceptor.
   <section id="conf.serverpeer">
     <title>Configuring the ServerPeer</title>
       The <literal>ServerPeer</literal> is the heart of the JBoss Messaging JMS facade. You can configure its behavior by altering <filename>messaging-service.xml</filename>.
         All JBoss Messaging services are based in the <literal>ServerPeer</literal>.
     <para>An example of a Server Peer configuration is presented below. Note
-    that not all values for the server peer's attributes are specified in the
+    that not all values for the server peer&apos;s attributes are specified in the
+    <programlisting><![CDATA[
 <!-- ServerPeer MBean configuration
 ============================== -->
 <mbean code="org.jboss.jms.server.ServerPeer" 
@@ -59,7 +49,7 @@
   <attribute name="PostOffice">
   <!-- The default Dead Letter Queue (DLQ) to use for destinations.
        This can be overridden on a per destination basis -->
@@ -150,142 +140,107 @@
     <section id="conf.serverpeer.attributes">
       <title>ServerPeer attributes</title>
         This section discusses the <literal>ServerPeer</literal> managed bean attributes.
       <section id="conf.serverpeer.attributes.serverpeerid">
           The unique identifier of the <literal>ServerPeer</literal>. Each node deployed must have a unique identifier, whether the nodes form a cluster or are linked by a message bridge. The identifier must be a valid integer.
       <section id="conf.serverpeer.attributes.defaultqueuejndicontext">
           The default JNDI context to be used when binding queues. The default value is <literal>/queue</literal>.
       <section id="conf.serverpeer.attributes.defaultopicjndicontext">
           The default JNDI context to be used when binding topics. The default value is <literal>/topic</literal>.
       <section id="conf.serverpeer.attributes.postoffice">
           The post office used by the <literal>ServerPeer</literal>. You will not normally need to edit this attribute. The post office routes messages to queues and maintains the mapping between queues and addresses.
       <section id="conf.serverpeer.attributes.defaultdlq">
           The default DLQ (Dead Letter Queue) that the server uses for destinations. You can override the DLQ on a per-destination basis. (For more information, see the configuration information for the destination managed bean.) A DLQ is a destination for messages that the server has failed to deliver more than a certain number of times. If the DLQ is not specified, the message will be removed after the maximum number of delivery attempts. You can specify a global default for the maximum number of delivery attempts with the <varname>DefaultMaxDeliveryAttempts</varname> attribute, or set the maximum individually on a per-destination basis.
       <section id="conf.serverpeer.attributes.defaultmaxdeliveryattempts">
           The global default for the maximum number of times delivery will be attempted for a message before the message is removed or sent to the DLQ, if configured. The default value is <literal>10</literal>. You can override this value on a per-destination basis.
       <section id="conf.serverpeer.attributes.defaultexpiryqueue">
           The default expiry queue that the <literal>ServerPeer</literal> will use for destinations. You can override this value on a per-destination basis, as seen in the section on destination managed bean configuration. An expiry queue holds messages that have expired. Message expiry is determined by the value of <literal>Message::getJMSExpiration()</literal>. If the expiry queue is not specified, the message will be deleted when it expires.
       <section id="conf.serverpeer.attributes.defaultredliverydelay">
           This attribute lets you delay a redelivery attempt, which helps to prevent thrashing delivery-failure. The default value is <literal>0</literal> (that is, no delay). You can override this value on a per-destination basis.
       <section id="conf.serverpeer.attributes.messagecountersampleperiod">
-          This attribute defines the period of time between the server's queries to the queue for queue statistics. The default value is <literal>10000</literal> milliseconds.
+          This attribute defines the period of time between the server&apos;s queries to the queue for queue statistics. The default value is <literal>10000</literal> milliseconds.
       <section id="conf.serverpeer.attributes.failoverstarttimeout">
           The longest period (in milliseconds) that the client will wait for failover to begin on the server side when a problem is detected. The default value is <literal>60000</literal> (one minute).
       <section id="conf.serverpeer.attributes.failovercompletetimeout">
           The longest period (in milliseconds) that the client will wait for failover to complete on the server side once failover has been initiated. The default value is <literal>300000</literal> (five minutes).
       <section id="conf.serverpeer.attributes.defaultmessagecounterhistorydaylimit">
           JBoss Messaging provides a message counter history, which shows the number of messages arriving on each queue over a certain number of days. This attribute represents the maximum number of days for which to store message counter history. You can override this value on a per-destination.
       <section id="conf.serverpeer.attributes.clusterpullconnectionfactory">
           The connection factory used to pull, or suck, messages between queues. You can omit this attribute to disable message sucking while retaining failover.
       <section id="conf.serverpeer.attributes.defaultpreserveordering">
           When <literal>true</literal>, JMS ordering is preserved in the cluster. See the Cluster Configuration section for more detail. The default value is <literal>false</literal>.
       <section id="conf.serverpeer.attributes.recoverdeliveriestimeout">
           When failover occurs, messages that have been delivered will be stored while the clients reconnect. If the clients do not reconnect (for example, if the client is dead), these messages will eventually time out and be added to the queue. This attribute sets the period before timeout in milliseconds. The default value is <literal>300000</literal> (five minutes).
       <section id="conf.serverpeer.attributes.enablemessagecounters">
           When set to <literal>true</literal>, enables message counters upon server start.
       <section id="conf.serverpeer.attributes.suckerpassword">
           JBoss Messaging internally creates connections between nodes to redistribute messages between clustered destinations. These connections are created with a special, reserved username. This attribute defines the password to use when creating these connections.
@@ -298,92 +253,69 @@
       <section id="conf.serverpeer.attributes.suckerconnectionretryTimes">
-        	This is the maximum number of times a sucker's connection is permitted to retry in the event of a failure. The default value is <literal>-1</literal> which represents "retry indefinitely".
+         This is the maximum number of times a sucker&apos;s connection is permitted to retry in the event of a failure. The default value is <literal>-1</literal> which represents &quot;retry indefinitely&quot;.
       <section id="conf.serverpeer.attributes.suckerconnectionretryinterval">
-        <para>This is the interval in milliseconds between each retry of the failed sucker's 
+        <para>This is the interval in milliseconds between each retry of the failed sucker&apos;s 
          connection. The default value is <literal>5000</literal>.</para>
       <section id="conf.serverpeer.attributes.stricttck">
           To enable strict JMS Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK) semantics, set this attribute to <literal>true</literal>.
       <section id="conf.serverpeer.attributes.destinations">
           Returns a list of the destinations (queues and topics) currently deployed.
       <section id="conf.serverpeer.attributes.messagecounters">
           A message counter for a particular queue.
       <section id="conf.serverpeer.attributes.messagestatistics">
           Statistics about each message counter for each queue.
       <section id="conf.serverpeer.attributes.supportsfailover">
           When this attribute is <literal>false</literal>, server-side failover does not occur when a node crashes in a cluster.
       <section id="conf.serverpeer.attributes.persistencemanager">
           The persistence manager used by the <literal>ServerPeer</literal>. (You will not normally need to change this attribute.)
       <section id="conf.serverpeer.attributes.jmsusermanager">
           The JMS user manager used by the <literal>ServerPeer</literal>. (You will not normally need to change this attribute.)
       <section id="conf.serverpeer.attributes.securitystore">
           The pluggable <literal>SecurityStore</literal>. If you redefine this attribute, remember that you will need to authenticate the <literal>MessageSucker</literal> user (<literal>JBM.SUCKER</literal>) with all special permissions required by clustering.
       <section id="conf.serverpeer.operations">
         <title>Managed Beans in the ServerPeer</title>
         <section id="conf.serverpeer.operations.deployQueue">
             Used to programmatically deploy a queue. If the queue exists but is undeployed, it will be deployed. Otherwise, it is created and deployed.
@@ -397,18 +329,14 @@
             There are two overloaded versions of this operation. The first deploys the destination with default paging parameters. The second deploys the destination with the paging parameters specified. For more information about paging parameters, see the section on Configuring Destinations.
         <section id="conf.serverpeer.operations.undeployQueue">
             Used to programmatically undeploy a queue. Queues are not removed from persistent storage. This operation returns <literal>true</literal> if the queue is successfully undeployed. Otherwise, it returns <literal>false</literal>.
         <section id="conf.serverpeer.operations.destroyQueue">
             Used to programmatically destroy a queue. Queues are undeployed and all of their data is removed from the database and destroyed.
@@ -421,10 +349,8 @@
             This operation returns <literal>true</literal> if the queue was destroyed successfully. Otherwise, it returns <literal>false</literal>.
         <section id="conf.serverpeer.operations.deployTopic">
             Used to programmatically deploy a topic. There are two overloaded versions of this operation. The first deploys already existing topics with the default paging parameters. The second creates and deploys topics with specified paging parameters. See the section on Configuring Destinations for  more information.
@@ -435,18 +361,14 @@
             The <varname>jndiName</varname> represents the full JNDI name of the location to which the destination will be bound. If this is not specified, the destination will be bound in <literal>&lt;DefaultTopicJNDIContext&gt;/&lt;name&gt;</literal>.
         <section id="conf.serverpeer.operations.undeployTopic">
             Used to programmatically undeploy a topic. Topics are undeployed, but not removed from persistent storage. This operation returns <literal>true</literal> if the topic is undeployed successfully. Otherwise, <literal>false</literal> is returned.
         <section id="conf.serverpeer.operations.destroyTopic">
             Used to programmatically destroy a topic. Topics are undeployed and all data is removed from the database and destroyed. This operation returns <literal>true</literal> if the topic is successfully destroyed. Otherwise, it returns <literal>false</literal>.
@@ -456,93 +378,67 @@
         <section id="conf.serverpeer.operations.listmessagecountersashtml">
             Returns message counters in a simply-displayed HTML format.
         <section id="conf.serverpeer.operations.resetallmessagecounters">
           <para>Resets all message counters to zero.</para>
         <section id="conf.serverpeer.operations.resetallmessagecounterhistories">
           <para>Resets all message counter histories to zero.</para>
         <section id="conf.serverpeer.operations.enablemessagecounters">
           <para>Enables all message counters for all destinations. Message counters are disabled by default.</para>
         <section id="conf.serverpeer.operations.disablemessagecounters">
           <para>Disables all message counters for all destinations. Message counters are disabled by default.</para>
         <section id="conf.serverpeer.operations.retrievepreparedtransactions">
           <para>Retrieves a list of the XIDs for all transactions currently in a prepared state on the node.</para>
         <section id="conf.serverpeer.operations.showpreparedtransactions">
           <para>Retrieves a list of the XIDs for all transactions currently in a prepared state on the node in an easily-displayed HTML format.</para>
   <section id="conf.changingds">
     <title>Changing the Database</title>
       The Persistence Manager, Post Office and JMS User Manager all interact with persistent storage. The Persistence Manager handles message-related persistence. The Post Office handles binding related persistence. The JMS User Manager handles user-related persistence. All configuration for these managed beans is handled in the <filename>&lt;your database type&gt;-persistence-service.xml</filename> file.
       Example configuration files for MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server or Sybase databases are available in the <filename>jboss-as/docs/examples/jms</filename> directory of the release bundle.
       To enable support for one of these databases, replace the default <filename>hsqldb-persistence-service.xml</filename> configuration file with the configuration file specific to your database type and restart the server.
       By default, the messaging services relying on a data store reference <literal>java:/DefaultDS</literal> for the data source. To deploy a data source with a different JNDI name, you must update all <literal>DataSource</literal> attributes in the persistence configuration file. We include example data source configurations in the distribution.
   <section id="conf.postoffice">
     <title>Configuring the Post office</title>
-      The post office routes messages to their destination or destinations. It maintains the mappings between the addresses to which a message can be sent, and the final queue. For example, when sending a message with an address that represents a JMS queue, the post office routes the message to that JMS queue. When sending a message with an address that represents a JMS topic, the post office routes the message to a set of queues &#8212; one for each JMS subscription.
+      The post office routes messages to their destination or destinations. It maintains the mappings between the addresses to which a message can be sent, and the final queue. For example, when sending a message with an address that represents a JMS queue, the post office routes the message to that JMS queue. When sending a message with an address that represents a JMS topic, the post office routes the message to a set of queues — one for each JMS subscription.
     <para>The post office also handles the persistence for address mapping.</para>
       JBoss Messaging post offices are cluster-aware. In a cluster, they automatically route and pull messages between nodes in order to provide fully-distributed JMS queues and topics.
       You can configure the post office in your <filename>&lt;your database type&gt;-persistence-service.xml</filename> file. For example:
-<!-- Added here -->
+<!-- Added here -->    <programlisting><![CDATA[
 <mbean code="org.jboss.messaging.core.jmx.MessagingPostOfficeService"
@@ -601,7 +497,7 @@
   <!-- This post office is clustered. If you don't want a clustered post 
@@ -734,176 +630,134 @@
       <pbcast.FLUSH down_thread="false" up_thread="false" timeout="20000" 
-  </attribute>	   
+  </attribute>    
- <!-- End Added -->     
-    <section id="conf.postoffice.attributes">
+<!-- End Added -->    <section id="conf.postoffice.attributes">
       <title>Post office attributes</title>
         In this section, we outline the attributes of the post office.
       <section id="conf.postoffice.attributes.datasource">
           The data source used to persist post office mapping data.
       <section id="conf.postoffice.attributes.sqlproperties">
           Specifies the DDL and DML for a particular database. If this attribute is not overridden, the default Hypersonic configuration will be used.
       <section id="conf.postoffice.attributes.createtables">
           When set to <literal>true</literal>, the post office will create tables and indexes on startup. If tables or indexes already exist, a <exceptionname>SQLException</exceptionname> is thrown by the JDBC driver, but this is ignored by the Persistence Manager and the operation continues unhindered. The default value is <literal>true</literal>.
       <section id="conf.postoffice.attributes.detectdups">
           When set to <literal>true</literal>, the post office detects duplicate messages that may be sent when delivery is retried on a new node after server failure. The default value of this attribute is <literal>true</literal>.
       <section id="conf.postoffice.attributes.idcachesize">
           If duplicate detection is enabled, the server remembers the last <literal>n</literal> message IDs sent, to prevent duplicate messages being sent after failover occurs. <varname>IDCacheSize</varname> determines the value of <literal>n</literal>. Its default value is <literal>500</literal>.</para>
       <section id="conf.postoffice.attributes.postofficename">
         <para>The name of the post office.</para>
       <section id="conf.postoffice.attributes.nodeidview">
         <para>Returns the node IDs of all nodes in a cluster as a set.</para>
       <section id="conf.postoffice.attributes.groupname">
           Post offices with the same group name will form a cluster together. Match post office group names to form a cluster with particular post offices.
       <section id="conf.postoffice.attributes.clustered">
           If set to <literal>true</literal>, the post office will join a cluster to form distributed queues and topics. If set to <literal>false</literal>, all cluster-related attributes will be ignored.
       <section id="conf.postoffice.attributes.statetimeout">
           The maximum period of time the post office will wait to receive group state when a node joins a pre-existing cluster. The default value is <literal>5000</literal> milliseconds.
       <section id="conf.postoffice.attributes.casttimeout">
           The maximum time that the post office will wait for a reply casting message synchronously. The default value is <literal>5000</literal>.
       <section id="conf.postoffice.attributes.failoveronnodeleave">
           If set to <literal>true</literal>, when a server node is shut down cleanly, any connections on that node will failover onto another node. The default value is <literal>false</literal>.
       <section id="conf.postoffice.attributes.maxconcurrentreplications">
           The maximum number of concurrent replication requests to make before blocking to allow replies to return. This prevents JGroups overloading. There is rarely a good reason to alter this. The default value is <literal>50</literal>
       <section id="conf.postoffice.attributes.controlchannelconfig">
           JBoss Messaging uses JGroups for all group management. This attribute contains JGroups stack configuration for the control channel, which sends requests to and receives responses from other nodes in the cluster.</para>
           Standard JGroups configuration is used. For more information, see the JGroups release documentation or visit <ulink url="http://www.jgroups.org">http://www.jgroups.org</ulink> or <ulink url="http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=JGroups">http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=JGroups</ulink>.</para>
       <section id="conf.postoffice.attributes.datachannelconfig">
           JBoss Messaging uses JGroups for all group management. This attribute contains JGroups stack configuration for the data channel, which sends and receives messages to and from other nodes in the cluster, and replicates session data.
           Standard JGroups configuration is used. For more information, see the JGroups release documentation or visit <ulink url="http://www.jgroups.org">http://www.jgroups.org</ulink> or <ulink url="http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=JGroups">http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=JGroups</ulink>.</para>
   <section id="conf.persistencemanager">
     <title>Configuring the Persistence Manager</title>
       The Persistence Manager manages all message-related persistence. JBoss Messaging ships with a JDBC Persistence Manager, which handles message data persistence in a relational database accessed via JDBC. The Persistence Manager can be plugged into the Messaging server, which lets you provide additional implementations to persist message data in non-relational stores, file stores, etc.
       Persistent service configuration details are grouped in <filename>&lt;your database type&gt;-persistence-service.xml</filename>. By default, JBoss Messaging ships with the <filename>hsqldb-persistence-service.xml</filename> file, which configures the Messaging server to use the Hypersonic database instance included by default with any JBoss Application Server instance.
         Hypersonic should not be used in a production environment, since it has limited support for transaction isolation and tends to behave erratically when under high loads.
-      <!--<para>The <ulink
+<!--<para>The <ulink
       of Hypersonic</ulink> wiki page outlines some of the well-known issues
-      occuring when using this database.</para>-->
-    </warning>
+      occuring when using this database.</para>-->    </warning>
       JBoss Messaging also ships with Persistence Manager configurations for MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server, and DB2. The example configuration files (<filename>mysql-persistence-service.xml</filename>, <filename>ndb-persistence-service.xml</filename>, etc.) are available from the <filename>jboss-as/docs/examples/jms</filename> directory of the release bundle.
-      We encourage users to contribute their own configuration files for thorough testing and certification for use with JBoss Messaging. The JDBC Persistence Manager uses standard SQL as its Data Manipulation Language (DML), so writing a Persistence Manager configuration for another database type is a matter of changing the configuration's Data Definition Language (DDL), which usually differs on a per-database basis.
+      We encourage users to contribute their own configuration files for thorough testing and certification for use with JBoss Messaging. The JDBC Persistence Manager uses standard SQL as its Data Manipulation Language (DML), so writing a Persistence Manager configuration for another database type is a matter of changing the configuration&apos;s Data Definition Language (DDL), which usually differs on a per-database basis.
       JBoss Messaging also ships with a Null Persistence Manager configuration option, which can be used when you do not want persistence.
       The following code is the default Hypersonic persistence configuration file:
+    <programlisting><![CDATA[
 <mbean code="org.jboss.messaging.core.jmx.JDBCPersistenceManagerService"
@@ -1087,83 +941,69 @@
-           <important>
-              <para>
+    <important>
+      <para>
                 When a database is created in Sybase, the maximum size of text and image datatypes is set to the default page size of <literal>2 kilobytes</literal>. Any message that exceeds this limit is truncated without any information or warning. To avoid this, edit the database parameters to set <varname>@@TEXTSIZE</varname> to a greater value.
-              <para>
-                Truncation may also occur in the Microsoft SQL Server if <varname>@@TEXTSIZE</varname> value is set to a lesser value than the default value. For further information, see <ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/SOA-554" />.
+      <para>
+                Truncation may also occur in the Microsoft SQL Server if <varname>@@TEXTSIZE</varname> value is set to a lesser value than the default value. For further information, see <ulink url="http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/SOA-554"/>.
-          </important>
-          <important>
-            <para>
+    </important>
+    <important>
+      <para>
               Microsoft SQL Server does not automatically un-allocate the hard drive space occupied by data in a database when that data is deleted. This means that, when the space is used as a data store for a service that temporarily stores many records (such as a messaging service), the disk space will quickly become much greater than the amount of data actually being stored.
-            <para>
+      <para>
               Database administrators should implement database maintenance plans to ensure that the unused space is reclaimed. Refer to your Microsoft SQL Server documentation for the DBCC commands <command>ShrinkDatabase</command> and <command>UpdateUsage</command> for guidance reclaiming the unused space. For further information about this issue, see <ulink url="https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/SOA-629"/>
-          </important>
+    </important>
     <section id="conf.persistencemanager.attributes">
-      <title>We now discuss the MBean attributes of the PersistenceManager
-      MBean</title>
+      <title>We now discuss the MBean attributes of the PersistenceManager MBean</title>
       <section id="conf.persistencemanager.attributes.createtables">
           When <literal>true</literal>, the persistence manager will attempt to create tables (and indexes) on startup. If tables or indexes already exist, a <exceptionname>SQLException</exceptionname> will be thrown by the JDBC driver and ignored by the persistence manager, allowing it to continue unhindered.
           By default, this parameter is set to <literal>true</literal>.
       <section id="conf.persistencemanager.attributes.batchupdates">
           If your database supports JDBC batch updates, setting this to <literal>true</literal> will group multiple database updates in batches to improve performance. The default value is <literal>false</literal>.
       <section id="conf.persistencemanager.attributes.binarystream">
           When <literal>true</literal>, messages will be stored and read with a JDBC binary stream instead of via <literal>getBytes()</literal> and <literal>setBytes()</literal>, which, in some databases, can only get or set a certain number of bytes. The default value is <literal>true</literal>.
-        </section>
+      </section>
       <section id="conf.persistencemanager.attributes.trailingbyte">
           Some versions of Sybase will truncate a BLOB with trailing zeros. When <varname>UseTrailingByte</varname> is set to <literal>true</literal>, a trailing non-zero byte will be added to each BLOB before persistence, and removed from the BLOB following persistence, preventing truncation by the database. This is only known to be necessary for Sybase databases. By default, the value is set to <literal>false</literal>.
       <section id="conf.persistencemanager.attributes.supportsblobonselect">
           Some databases, specifically Oracle, do not allow BLOB insertion via an <code>INSERT INTO ... SELECT FROM</code> statement, and require two-stage conditional message insertion. When <varname>SupportsBlobOnSelect</varname> is set to <literal>false</literal>, two-stage insertion  will be used. The default value is <literal>true</literal>.
       <section id="conf.persistencemanager.attributes.sqlproperties">
           Specifies the DDL and DML for a particular database. If a particular DDL or DML statement is not overridden, the default Hypersonic configuration will be used for that statement.
       <section id="conf.persistencemanager.attributes.maxparams">
           While loading messages, the persistence manager generates prepared statements with numerous parameters. This attribute defines the maximum number of parameters allowed per prepared statement. The default value is <literal>100</literal>.
       <section id="conf.persistencemanager.attributes.usendbfailoverstrategy">
@@ -1171,24 +1011,16 @@
-    <!-- end conf.persistencemanager.attributes -->
-  </section>
-  <!-- end conf.persistencemanager -->
-  <section id="conf.jmsusermanager">
+<!-- end conf.persistencemanager.attributes -->  </section>
+<!-- end conf.persistencemanager -->  <section id="conf.jmsusermanager">
     <title>Configuring the JMS user manager</title>
       The JMS User Manager maps preconfigured client IDs to users. It also manages user and role tables, depending on the configured login module.
       The following is an example <literal>JMSUserManager</literal> configuration:
+    <programlisting><![CDATA[
 <mbean code="org.jboss.jms.server.plugin.JDBCJMSUserManagerService"
@@ -1214,51 +1046,36 @@
     <section id="conf.jmsusermanager.attributes">
       <title>JMSUserManager Managed Bean Attributes</title>
       <section id="conf.jmsusermanager.attributes.createtables">
           When set to <literal>true</literal>, the JMS User Manager attempts to create tables (and indexes) upon startup. If the tables or indexes already exist, a <exceptionname>SQLException</exceptionname> is thrown and ignored, allowing the operation to continue. The default value is <literal>true</literal>.
       <section id="conf.jmsusermanager.attributes.batchupdates">
           If your database supports JDBC batch updates, set this to <literal>true</literal> to have the persistence manager group database updates into batches to improve performance. The default value is <literal>false</literal>.
       <section id="conf.jmsusermanager.attributes.sqlproperties">
           Specifies the DDL and DML for the database. If this is not overridden, the default Hypersonic configuration will be used. You can also specify default user and role data. Specify any data to be inserted with property names prefixed with <literal>POPULATE.TABLES</literal>, as in the previous example.
-    <!-- end conf.jmsusermanager.attributes -->
-  </section>
-  <!-- end.conf.jmsusermanager -->
-  <section id="conf.destination">
+<!-- end conf.jmsusermanager.attributes -->  </section>
+<!-- end.conf.jmsusermanager -->  <section id="conf.destination">
     <title>Configuring Destinations</title>
     <section id="conf.preconf.destinations">
       <title>Pre-configured destinations</title>
         JBoss Messaging ships with a default set of preconfigured destinations that are deployed as the server starts up. The configuration information for these destinations can be found in the following section of <filename>destinations-service.xml</filename>:
+      <programlisting><![CDATA[
       The Default Dead Letter Queue. This destination is a dependency of an EJB MDB container.
@@ -1282,56 +1099,38 @@
-    <!-- end conf.preconf.destinations -->
-    <section id="conf.destination.queue">
+<!-- end conf.preconf.destinations -->    <section id="conf.destination.queue">
       <title>Configuring Queues</title>
       <section id="conf.destination.queue.attributes">
         <title>Queue MBean Attributes</title>
         <section id="conf.destination.queue.attributes.name">
           <para>Defines the queue name.</para>
         <section id="conf.destination.queue.attributes.jndiName">
           <para>Defines the JNDI name that binds the queue.</para>
         <section id="conf.destination.queue.attributes.dlq">
           <para>Defines the DLQ (Dead Letter Queue) for this queue and overrides any value set in the Server Peer configuration file.</para>
         <section id="conf.destination.queue.attributes.expiryqueue">
           <para>Defines the expiry queue and overrides any value set in the Server Peer configuration file.</para>
         <section id="conf.destination.queue.attributes.redeliverydelay">
           <para>Defines the redelivery delay to be applied to this queue and overrides any value set in the Server Peer configuration file.</para>
         <section id="conf.destination.queue.attributes.maxdeliveryattempts">
             Defines the maximum number of times message delivery is attempted before the message is sent to the DLQ, if configured. The default value, <literal>-1</literal>, means that the value from the Server Peer configuration file is used. Any other setting will override the value set in the Server Peer configuration file.
         <section id="conf.destination.queue.attributes.security">
           <title>Destination Security Configuration</title>
             <literal>SecurityConfig</literal> determines which roles can read, write and create upon the destination. It uses the same syntax and semantics as JBossMQ destination security configuration.
@@ -1351,10 +1150,8 @@
             Configuring security for a destination is optional. If a <literal>SecurityConfig</literal> element is not specified, then the default security configuration from the Server Peer will be used instead.
         <section id="conf.destination.queue.attributes.paging">
           <title>Destination paging parameters</title>
             <emphasis>Pageable Channels</emphasis> is a new feature available in JBoss Messaging.
@@ -1367,7 +1164,6 @@
             The individual parameters associated with pageable channels are as follows:
             <literal>FullSize</literal> defines the maximum number of messages held by the queue or topic subscription in memory at any one time. The actual queue can hold more messages, but these are paged to and from storage as messages are added or consumed. If no value is specified, the default is <literal>75000</literal>.
@@ -1375,35 +1171,27 @@
             <literal>PageSize</literal> defines the maximum number of messages that are pre-loaded per operation when loading messages from the queue or subscription. If no value is specified, the default is <literal>2000</literal>.
-            <literal>DownCacheSize</literal> &#8212; when messages are paged to storage from the queue, they enter a <emphasis>Down Cache</emphasis> before being written to storage. This enables the write to occur as a single operation, which aids performance. This attribute determines the maximum number of messages that the Down Cache will hold before the messages are flushed to storage. If no value is specified, the default is <literal>2000</literal>.
+            <literal>DownCacheSize</literal> — when messages are paged to storage from the queue, they enter a <emphasis>Down Cache</emphasis> before being written to storage. This enables the write to occur as a single operation, which aids performance. This attribute determines the maximum number of messages that the Down Cache will hold before the messages are flushed to storage. If no value is specified, the default is <literal>2000</literal>.
             Paging parameters for temporary queues must be specified on the appropriate connection factory. See the section on Connection Factory Configuration for details.
         <section id="conf.destination.queue.attributes.createdprogrammatically">
           <para>Returns <literal>true</literal> if the queue was created
         <section id="conf.destination.queue.attributes.messagecount">
           <para>Returns the total number of messages in the queue. That is, the number of messages being scheduled plus the number being delivered, plus the number not being delivered.</para>
         <section id="conf.destination.queue.attributes.scheduledmessagecount">
           <para>Returns the number of <emphasis>scheduled messages</emphasis> in the queue. This is the number of messages scheduled to be delivered at a later date.</para>
             Scheduled delivery lets you specify the earliest time at which a particular message will be delivered. For example, you can send a message now, and specify that it will not be delivered for two hours. To do so, you would set the following in the message header:
 long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
@@ -1417,170 +1205,121 @@
         <section id="conf.destination.queue.attributes.maxsize">
             Specifies the maximum number of messages that can be held in a queue. Any excess messages will be dropped. The default value is <literal>-1</literal>, which is unbounded.
         <section id="conf.destination.queue.attributes.clustered">
           <para>This attribute must be set to <literal>true</literal> if the destination is clustered.
         <section id="conf.destination.queue.attributes.messagecounter">
           <para>Each queue maintains a message counter.</para>
         <section id="conf.destination.queue.attributes.messagecounterstats">
           <para>The statistics for the message counter.</para>
         <section id="conf.destination.queue.attributes.messagecounterhistorydaylimit">
           <para>The maximum number of days for which to hold message counter history. Overrides any value set in the Server Peer configuration file.</para>
         <section id="conf.destination.queue.attributes.consumercount">
           <para>The number of consumers currently consuming from the queue.</para>
       <section id="conf.destination.queue.operations">
         <title>Queue Managed Bean Operations</title>
         <section id="conf.destination.queue.operations.removeallmessages">
             Removes (and deletes) all messages from the queue. <emphasis>Use with caution, as this will permanently delete all messages from the queue.</emphasis>
         <section id="conf.destination.queue.operations.listallmessages">
             Lists all messages currently in the queue. Using a JMS selector as an argument in this operation lets you retrieve a subset of the messages in the queue that match the given criteria.
         <section id="conf.destination.queue.operations.listdurablemessages">
             Lists all <emphasis>durable</emphasis> messages in the queue. Using a JMS selector as an argument in this operation lets you retrieve a subset of messages in the queue that match the given criteria.
         <section id="conf.destination.queue.operations.listnondurablemessages">
             Lists all <emphasis>non-durable</emphasis> messages in a queue. Using a JMS selector as an argument in this operation lets you retrieve a subset of messages in the queue that match the given criteria.
         <section id="conf.destination.queue.operations.resetmessagecounter">
           <para>Resets the message counter to zero.</para>
         <section id="conf.destination.queue.operations.resetmessagecounterhistory">
           <para>Resets the message counter history.</para>
         <section id="conf.destination.queue.operations.listmessagecounterashtml">
           <para>Lists the message counter in an easily-displayed HTML format.</para>
         <section id="conf.destination.queue.operations.listmessagecounterhistoryashtml">
           <para>Lists the message counter history in an easily-displayed HTML format.</para>
     <section id="conf.destination.topics">
       <title>Configuring Topics</title>
       <section id="conf.destination.topic.attributes">
         <title>Topic Managed Bean Attributes</title>
         <section id="conf.destination.topic.attributes.name">
           <para>Defines the name of the topic.</para>
         <section id="conf.destination.topic.attributes.jndiName">
           <para>Defines the JNDI location where the topic is bound.</para>
         <section id="conf.destination.topic.attributes.dlq">
           <para>Defines the Dead Letter Queue (DLQ) used for this topic and overrides any value set in the Server Peer configuration file.</para>
         <section id="conf.destination.topic.attributes.expiryqueue">
           <para>Defines the expiry queue used for this topic and overrides any value set in the Server Peer configuration file.</para>
         <section id="conf.destination.topic.attributes.redeliverydelay">
           <para>Defines the delay period between redelivery attempts for this topic and overrides any value set in the Server Peer configuration file.</para>
         <section id="conf.destination.topic.attributes.maxdeliveryattempts">
             Defines the maximum number of times message delivery will be attempted before the message is sent to the DLQ, if configured. The default value is <literal>-1</literal>, which specifies that the value from the Server Peer configuration file be used. Any other setting overrides the Server Peer value.
         <section id="conf.destination.topic.attributes.security">
           <title>Destination Security Configuration</title>
             <literal>SecurityConfig</literal> lets you define which roles can read, write and create on the destination. The syntax matches that of the security configuration in JBossMQ destinations.
             The <literal>SecurityConfig</literal> element should contain one <literal>&lt;security&gt;</literal> element, which can contain multiple <literal>&lt;role&gt;</literal> elements. Each <literal>&lt;role&gt;</literal> element defines the access type for that particular role.
             If the <varname>read</varname> attribute is set to <literal>true</literal>, that role has permission to <emphasis>read</emphasis> (create consumers, receive messages, and browse) this destination.
             If the <varname>write</varname> attribute is set to <literal>true</literal>, that role has permission to <emphasis>write</emphasis> (create producers or send messages) to this destination.</para>
             If the <varname>create</varname> attribute is set to <literal>true</literal>, that role has permission to create durable subscriptions on this destination.
@@ -1588,11 +1327,9 @@
             Configuring security for destinations is optional. If a <literal>SecurityConfig</literal> element is not specified, the default security configuration from the Server Peer will be used.
         <section id="conf.destination.topic.attributes.paging">
           <title>Destination paging parameters</title>
-         <para>
+          <para>
             <emphasis>Pageable Channels</emphasis> is a new feature available in JBoss Messaging.
@@ -1604,7 +1341,6 @@
             The individual parameters associated with pageable channels are as follows:
             <literal>FullSize</literal> defines the maximum number of messages held by the queue or topic subscription in memory at any one time. The actual queue can hold more messages, but these are paged to and from storage as messages are added or consumed. If no value is specified, the default is <literal>75000</literal>.
@@ -1612,168 +1348,125 @@
             <literal>PageSize</literal> defines the maximum number of messages that are pre-loaded per operation when loading messages from the queue or subscription. If no value is specified, the default is <literal>2000</literal>.
-            <literal>DownCacheSize</literal> &#8212; when messages are paged to storage from the queue, they enter a <emphasis>Down Cache</emphasis> before being written to storage. This enables the write to occur as a single operation, which aids performance. This attribute determines the maximum number of messages that the Down Cache will hold before the messages are flushed to storage. If no value is specified, the default is <literal>2000</literal>.
+            <literal>DownCacheSize</literal> — when messages are paged to storage from the queue, they enter a <emphasis>Down Cache</emphasis> before being written to storage. This enables the write to occur as a single operation, which aids performance. This attribute determines the maximum number of messages that the Down Cache will hold before the messages are flushed to storage. If no value is specified, the default is <literal>2000</literal>.
             Paging parameters for temporary queues must be specified on the appropriate connection factory. See the section on Connection Factory Configuration for details.
         <section id="conf.destination.topic.attributes.createdprogrammatically">
             Returns <literal>true</literal> if the topic was created programmatically.
         <section id="conf.destination.topic.attributes.maxsize">
             Specifies the maximum number of messages that can be held in a topic subscription. Any excess messages will be dropped from the topic. The default value is <literal>-1</literal>, which applies no size restriction.
         <section id="conf.destination.topic.attributes.clustered">
             Set this to <literal>true</literal> if your destination is clustered.
         <section id="conf.destination.topic.attributes.messagecounterhistorydaylimit">
             Defines the maximum number of days to retain message counter history, and overrides any value set in the Server Peer configuration file.</para>
         <section id="conf.destination.topic.attributes.messagecounters">
-            Returns a list of message counters for the topic's subscriptions.
+            Returns a list of message counters for the topic&apos;s subscriptions.
         <section id="conf.destination.topic.attributes.allmessagecount">
             Returns the total number of messages in all subscriptions belonging to the topic.
         <section id="conf.destination.topic.attributes.durablemessagecount">
             Returns the total number of <emphasis>durable</emphasis> messages in all subscriptions belonging to this topic.
         <section id="conf.destination.topic.attributes.nondurablemessagecount">
             Returns the total number of <emphasis>non-durable</emphasis> messages in all subscriptions belonging to this topic.
         <section id="conf.destination.topic.attributes.allsubscriptionscount">
             Returns a count of all subscriptions belonging to this topic.
         <section id="conf.destination.topic.attributes.durablesubscriptionscount">
           <para>Returns a count of all durable subscriptions belonging to this topic.</para>
         <section id="conf.destination.topic.attributesnon.durablesubscriptionscount">
             Returns a count of all non-durable subscriptions belonging to this topic.
       <section id="conf.destination.topic.operations">
         <title>Topic Managed Bean Operations</title>
         <section id="conf.destination.topic.operations.removeallmessages">
             Removes and deletes all messages from the subscriptions belonging to this topic. <emphasis>Use with caution, as this permanently deletes all messages from the topic.</emphasis>
         <section id="conf.destination.topic.operations.listallsubscriptions">
           <para>Lists all subscriptions belonging to this topic.</para>
         <section id="conf.destination.topic.operations.listdurablesubscriptions">
           <para>Lists all durable subscriptions belonging to this topic.</para>
         <section id="conf.destination.topic.operations.listnondurablesubscriptions">
           <para>Lists all non-durable subscriptions belonging to this topic.</para>
         <section id="conf.destination.topic.operations.listallsubscriptionsashtml">
             Lists all subscriptions belonging to this topic in an easily-displayed HTML format.
         <section id="conf.destination.topic.operations.listdurablesubscriptionsashtml">
             Lists all durable subscriptions belonging to this topic in an easily-displayed HTML format.
         <section id="conf.destination.topic.operations.listnondurablesubscriptionsashtml">
             Lists all non-durable subscriptions belonging to this topic in an easily-displayed HTML format.</para>
         <section id="conf.destination.topic.operations.listallmessages">
           <para>Lists all messages belonging to a specified subscription. Using a JMS selector as an argument in this operation lets you retrieve a subset of messages in the queue that match the given criteria.</para>
         <section id="conf.destination.topic.operations.listnondurablemessages">
             Lists all non-durable messages belonging to the specified subscription. Using a JMS selector as an argument in this operation lets you retrieve a subset of messages in the queue that match the given criteria.
         <section id="conf.destination.topic.operations.listdurablemessages">
             Lists all durable messages belonging to the specified subscription. Using a JMS selector as an argument in this operation lets you retrieve a subset of messages in the queue that match the given criteria.
@@ -1781,16 +1474,11 @@
-  <!-- end of conf destination -->
-  <section id="conf.connectionfactory">
+<!-- end of conf destination -->  <section id="conf.connectionfactory">
     <title>Configuring Connection Factories</title>
       By default, JBoss Messaging is configured to bind two connection factories in JNDI upon startup.
       The first connection factory is the default non-clustered connection factory, which is bound into the following JNDI contexts: <literal>/ConnectionFactory</literal>, <literal>/XAConnectionFactory</literal>, <literal>java:/ConnectionFactory</literal>, and <literal>java:/XAConnectionFactory</literal>. This connection factory is provided to maintain compatibility with applications originally written against JBossMQ, which does not include automatic failover or load balancing. If you do not require client-side automatic failover or load balancing, then you should use this first connection factory.
@@ -1798,17 +1486,15 @@
       The second connection factory is the default clustered connection factory, which is bound into the following JNDI contexts: <literal>/ClusteredConnectionFactory</literal>, <literal>/ClusteredXAConnectionFactory</literal>, <literal>java:/ClusteredConnectionFactory</literal>, and <literal>java:/ClusteredXAConnectionFactory</literal>.
-      You may want to configure additional connection factories &#8212; for example, if you want to provide a default client ID for a connection factory, or to bind a connection factory to a different JNDI location. To deploy a new connection factory, configure a new <literal>ConnectionFactory</literal> managed bean in <filename>connection-factories-service.xml</filename>.
+      You may want to configure additional connection factories — for example, if you want to provide a default client ID for a connection factory, or to bind a connection factory to a different JNDI location. To deploy a new connection factory, configure a new <literal>ConnectionFactory</literal> managed bean in <filename>connection-factories-service.xml</filename>.
       You can also create a new service deployment descriptor, <filename>&lt;name&gt;-service.xml</filename>, and deploy it in <filename>$JBOSS_HOME/server/messaging/deploy</filename>.
       Enable support for automatic failover or load balancing by setting the relevant attributes in your connection factory:
+    <programlisting><![CDATA[
 <mbean code="org.jboss.jms.server.connectionfactory.ConnectionFactory"
@@ -1854,31 +1540,23 @@
   <attribute name="DupsOKBatchSize">10000</attribute> 
       The example configuration would create a connection factory with the preconfigured client ID <literal>myClientID</literal>, which would be bound to two locations in the JNDI tree: <literal>/MyConnectionFactory</literal> and <literal>/factories/cf</literal>. This connection factory overrides the default values for <varname>PreFetchSize</varname>, <varname>DefaultTempQueueFullSize</varname>, <varname>DefaultTempQueuePageSize</varname>, <varname>DefaultTempQueueDownCacheSize</varname> and <varname>DupsOKBatchSize</varname>, <varname>SupportsFailover</varname>, <varname>SupportsLoadBalancing</varname> and <varname>LoadBalancingFactory</varname>. The connection factory will use the default remoting connector. To use a different remoting connector with the connection factory, change the <literal>Connector</literal> attribute to specify the service name of the connector you wish to use.
     <section id="conf.connectionfactory.attributes">
       <title>ConnectionFactory Managed Bean Attributes</title>
       <section id="conf.connectionfactory.attributes.clientid">
           You can preconfigure a connection factory with a client ID. Any connection created via this connection factory will obtain this client ID.
       <section id="conf.connectionfactory.attributes.jndibindings">
         <para>Lists available JNDI bindings for this connection factory.</para>
       <section id="conf.connectionfactory.attributes.prefetchsize">
           Specifies how many messages the window holds at once, for consumer flow control. The window size determines the number of messages a server can send to a consumer without blocking. Each consumer maintains a buffer of messages from which it consumes.
@@ -1886,32 +1564,24 @@
           Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) implements its own additional flow control. Message consumption can also be blocked if the TCP window size is smaller than the PrefetchSize parameter.
       <section id="conf.connectionfactory.attributes.slowconsumers">
-		<para>  
+        <para>  
           The allowable buffer size for slow consumers should be minimized to increase the potential for messages to be consumed by faster consumers. It is not possible to totally disable buffering, however, setting the <varname>SlowConsumers</varname> attribute to <literal>true</literal> will reduce the buffer size. Setting this attribute to <literal>true</literal> is equivalent to setting <varname>PrefetchSize</varname> to <literal>1</literal> which is the lowest possible value available.
       <section id="conf.connectionfactory.attributes.tckstrictbehavior">
         <para>When set to <literal>true</literal>, strict JMS behavior (as required by the Technology Compatibility Kit) is enabled.</para>
       <section id="conf.connectionfactory.attributes.sendacksasync">
           When set to <literal>true</literal>, acknowledgments are sent asynchronously. This can improve performance, particularly if <literal>auto_acknowledge</literal> mode is active.
       <section id="conf.connectionfactory.attributes.tempqueuepaging">
         <title>Temporary queue paging parameters</title>
           <varname>DefaultTempQueueFullSize</varname>, <varname>DefaultTempQueuePageSize</varname> and <varname>DefaultTempQueueDownCacheSize</varname> are optional attributes. They determine the default paging parameters used for temporary destinations that are scoped to connections created with this connection factory. See the section on Paging Channels for further information about these values.
@@ -1922,18 +1592,14 @@
           <varname>DefaultTempQueuePageSize</varname>  and <varname>DefaultTempQueueDownCacheSize</varname> default to <literal>2000</literal>.
       <section id="conf.connectionfactory.attributes.dupsokbatchsize">
           For sessions that use the <literal>DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE</literal> mode, this setting determines the number of acknowledgments that will be buffered locally before they are sent. The default value is <literal>2000</literal>.
       <section id="conf.connectionfactory.attributes.supportsloadbalancing">
           When you use a connection factory with a clustered JBoss Messaging installation, client-side load balancing is determined by the <varname>supportsLoadBalancing</varname> attribute on the connection factory. If load balancing is enabled, any connection created by that connection factory will be load-balanced across the nodes of a cluster. A connection created on a particular node remains on that node.
@@ -1941,10 +1607,8 @@
           The <varname>LoadBalancingFactory</varname> attribute determines whether connections are load-balanced. The default value is <literal>false</literal>
       <section id="conf.connectionfactory.attributes.supportsfailover">
           When you use a connection factory with a clustered JBoss Messaging installation, automatic failover on the client side is determined by the <varname>supportsFailover</varname> attribute on the connection factory. If automatic failover is enabled, when a connection problem is detected, JBoss Messaging will automatically and transparently failover to another node in the cluster.
@@ -1952,10 +1616,8 @@
           If automatic failover is not required, set this attribute to <literal>false</literal>. (This is the default value.) When automatic failover is disabled, the user code is responsible for catching connection exceptions in synchronous JMS operations, and a JMS <literal>ExceptionListener</literal> must be installed to catch exceptions asynchronously. When an exception is caught, the client-side code should lookup a new connection factory via HAJNDI and recreate the connection.
       <section id="conf.connectionfactory.attributes.disableremotingchecks">
           By default, when deploying a connection factory, JBoss Messaging checks that the corresponding JBoss Remoting Connector has sensible values. JBoss Messaging is very sensitive to these values, and there is rarely any need to change them. To disable this sanity checking, set <varname>DisableRemotingChecks</varname> to <literal>false</literal> (the default value).
@@ -1965,10 +1627,8 @@
       <section id="conf.connectionfactory.attributes.loadbalancingfactory">
           If your connection factory uses client-side load balancing, you can specify how this is implemented by overriding this attribute. The value must correspond to the name of a class that implements the interface <literal>org.jboss.jms.client.plugin.LoadBalancingFactory</literal>.
@@ -1976,40 +1636,28 @@
           The default value is <literal>org.jboss.jms.client.plugin.RoundRobinLoadBalancingFactory</literal>, which load-balances connections across the cluster in a round-robin fashion.
       <section id="conf.connectionfactory.attributes.connector">
           Specifies the remoting connector used by the connection factory. Different connection factories can use different connectors, so you can deploy one connection factory that uses the HTTP transport to communicate with the server, and another that uses the bisocket transport to communicate.
-        <section id="conf.connectionfactory.attributes.enableorderinggroup">
+      <section id="conf.connectionfactory.attributes.enableorderinggroup">
-        	This parameter controls whether strict message ordering is enabled on the <literal>ConnectionFactory</literal>. If set to <literal>true</literal>, any messages sent from producers which are created from the enabled connection factory become ordering group messages. The default value for this parameter is <literal>false</literal>.
+         This parameter controls whether strict message ordering is enabled on the <literal>ConnectionFactory</literal>. If set to <literal>true</literal>, any messages sent from producers which are created from the enabled connection factory become ordering group messages. The default value for this parameter is <literal>false</literal>.
       <section id="conf.connectionfactory.attributes.defaultorderinggroupname">
-        	This is the default name for the message ordering group which will take effect once the <literal>EnableOrderingGroup</literal> parameter is set to <literal>true</literal> . If this attribute is missing, the group name will be generated automatically.
+         This is the default name for the message ordering group which will take effect once the <literal>EnableOrderingGroup</literal> parameter is set to <literal>true</literal> . If this attribute is missing, the group name will be generated automatically.
-    <!-- End conf.connectionfactory.attributes -->
-  </section>
-  <!-- End conf.connectionfactory -->
-  <section id="conf.connector">
+<!-- End conf.connectionfactory.attributes -->  </section>
+<!-- End conf.connectionfactory -->  <section id="conf.connector">
     <title>Configuring the Remoting Connector</title>
       JBoss Messaging uses JBoss Remoting for all communication between the client and the server. (For further information about JBoss Remoting configuration and capabilities, see the JBoss Remoting documentation.)
@@ -2028,13 +1676,10 @@
       No other remoting transports are currently supported by JBoss Messaging.
       Remoting configuration details can be seen in <filename>$JBOSS_HOME/server/$SERVER/deploy/messaging/remoting-bisocket-service.xml</filename>. The following code is an example of a bisocket remoting configuration:
-       <!-- Addition start here -->
+<!-- Addition start here -->    <programlisting><![CDATA[     
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
@@ -2088,7 +1733,7 @@
         <!-- the following parameters are useful when there is a 
              firewall between client and server. Uncomment them if so.-->
-        <!--	       
+        <!--        
         <attribute name="numberOfCallRetries" isParam="true">
@@ -2167,10 +1812,8 @@
-]]></programlisting> <!-- Addition ends here -->
-    <para>
+<!-- Addition ends here -->    <para>
       Some attributes should not be changed unless you know exactly what you are doing. Attributes that can be changed include:
@@ -2179,7 +1822,7 @@
-          Clients periodically return <emphasis>heartbeats</emphasis> to the server to confirm that they are still active. If the server does not receive a heartbeat after a certain period of time, it will close down the connection and remove all resources that correspond to the client's session. The <varname>clientLeasePeriod</varname> determines the period of time between heartbeats, in milliseconds. The default value is <literal>10000</literal>.
+          Clients periodically return <emphasis>heartbeats</emphasis> to the server to confirm that they are still active. If the server does not receive a heartbeat after a certain period of time, it will close down the connection and remove all resources that correspond to the client&apos;s session. The <varname>clientLeasePeriod</varname> determines the period of time between heartbeats, in milliseconds. The default value is <literal>10000</literal>.
           By default, the server closes a client if it does not receive a heartbeat within double the <varname>clientLeasePeriod</varname>. In reality, the period is automatically resized according to system load.
@@ -2238,12 +1881,8 @@
-  <!-- end conf.connector -->
-  <section id="conf.servicebindingmanager">
+<!-- end conf.connector -->  <section id="conf.servicebindingmanager">
       The <literal>SeviceBindingManager</literal> provides multiple application server instances running on the same IP using different port ranges, which is useful during development. There are other ways to do this, but the <literal>ServiceBindingManager</literal> removes much hassle.
@@ -2257,6 +1896,4 @@
       See the Installation chapter for further information about setting up the <literal>ServiceBindingManager</literal> for JBoss Messaging.
-  <!-- End conf.callback -->
+<!-- End conf.callback --></chapter>

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-    <xi:include href="Getting_Started.xml" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" />
-    <xi:include href="Installation.xml" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" />
-    <xi:include href="Running_Examples.xml" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" />
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