[jboss-dev] Re: [Fwd: Re: [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (JBAS-5072) Fix null pointer exception when getting keys, values, or entry's in the ConcurrentHashmap]

Fernando Nasser fnasser at redhat.com
Fri Dec 14 09:10:24 EST 2007

Adrian Brock wrote:
> Copying to the main dev-list.
> Yes, you can change it. But ideally you should test it first.
> i.e. checkout the jbossxb 1.0.0SP1 tag 
> and modfiy the build to use update1
> That's what compatiblity means. ;-)

Who has to do that is the JBoss XB developer, not Jay, as they may have 
the proper testing procedure.  Alternatively, he can let it go through a 
complete QA cycle first, inside a CP release, if he feels confident the 
changes are absolutely backwards compatible.

> This clearly wasn't done for the brew release
> since there's no maven release for that.

The product line is not using update1.  When it does, it will be based 
on the opinions of the developers that work on the product and it will 
be fully tested by the QA department (and jbossxb developers if that is 
deemed necessary).

> Which is another reason why brew is bad.

So, contrary to what you say, the -brew versions are much safer than 
binaries that have not been properly QAed.

Furthermore, adding <compatible> lines or not is a developers procedure, 
has NOTHING to do with how it was built.

> http://repository.jboss.com/maven2/oswego-concurrent/concurrent/
> On Wed, 2007-12-12 at 16:41 -0500, Jay Howell wrote:
>> Hey Adrian,
>> I've made a new version of the concurren 
>> lib(https://svn.jboss.org/repos/repository.jboss.org/oswego-concurrent/1.3.4-jboss-update1) 
>> , and I've changed my build-thirdparty.xml file, but I also need to add 
>> an entry in the jbossxb(component-info.xml) to establish compatibility.  
>> The current version that is current in branch 4.2 for jbossxb is 
>> 1.0.0.SP1.  My question is, Do I need to make a new version of jbossxb, 
>> or can I check the compatibility changes in for 1.3.4-jboss-update1into 
>> jbossxb 1.0.0SP1?  I see that the entry that put the compatibility entry 
>> in for 1.3.4-jboss(1.0.0.GA_CP01-brew) was just added to that version 
>> and a new version(directory) was not added.  I can easily either make a 
>> new version(called ???) or I can just change the version that's there.
>> Thanks, Jay:)
>> email message attachment (Re: [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (JBAS-5072) Fix
>> null pointer exception when getting keys, values, or entry's in the
>> ConcurrentHashmap)
>>> -------- Forwarded Message --------
>>> From: Jay Howell <jhowell at redhat.com>
>>> To: Adrian <abrock at redhat.com>
>>> Subject: Re: [JBoss JIRA] Commented: (JBAS-5072) Fix null pointer
>>> exception when getting keys, values, or entry's in the
>>> ConcurrentHashmap
>>> Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2007 15:04:59 -0500

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