[jboss-dev] Race conditions in 4.2.x

Adrian Brock abrock at redhat.com
Thu Dec 20 13:33:42 EST 2007

I spent most of this week testing for race conditions related to the
change in behaviour in 4.2.x where a transaction timeout issues a
rollback() rather than setRollbackOnly().

I've found a number of problems:

1) The initial problem where a local resource adapter
was effectively allowing the user to continue
"in the next transaction" after the rollback.


I initially fixed this last week by checking the status
of the transaction association before allowing

But this was incomplete, since there was
still a potential race where the timeout
could happen between the check and
the operation.

Thread 1: Check tx status (ok)
Thread 2: Rollback
Thread 1: do operation (status is now bad)

This has now been properly fixed by introducing
a lock such that an action, e.g. an sql update
will check the status and complete the operation
before allowing the rollback (and vice versa).

Race won by Thread 1:

Thread 1: lock
Thread 2: try to lock
Thread 1: do operation
Thread 1: unlock
Thread 2: lock
Thread 2: rollback

Race won by Thread 2:

Thread 2: lock
Thread 1: try to lock
Thread 2: rollback
Thread 2: unlock
Thread 1: lock
Thread 1: check status -> failure

2) There is a race in the TxConnectionManager
between closing connections and tx rollback.


I've put a fix in the JCA pool that avoids
the problem, but it still needs fixing
properly in the connection manager.

3) While doing this testing I discovered
what looks like a race in the transaction


I found this when I was trying to emulate
the asynchronous tx timeout -> rollback().

All in all, I think we need to a lot more
testing (and thinking of possible other races?)
around this changed semantic. 

Here are two other bugs it caused:


And there's still been no work on fixing the 
noisy logging :-(


i.e. lots of stacktraces for one problem -
a transaction timeout.

Adrian Brock
Chief Scientist
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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