[jboss-dev] Netty moves to JBoss.org.

Trustin Lee tlee at redhat.com
Thu Aug 7 22:28:47 EDT 2008

Hi folks,

I've just finished moving all Netty source code and renaming package  
names.  License headers and copyright information have been updated too.   
It's here:

   * https://svn.jboss.org/repos/netty/trunk
   * http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/netty/trunk (might not be showing up  

It would be great if someone lets me know if there's any problem with  
license headers and legal files, etc.  It's a single Maven project - to  
generate a tarball, type the following command to verify the generated  

   mvn package


PS: APIviz is moving, too.

Trustin Lee - Principal Software Engineer, JBoss, Red Hat
what we call human nature is actually human habit

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