[jboss-dev] Accelerated 5.1 Timeline (New Dates!)

Jason T. Greene jason.greene at redhat.com
Tue Apr 7 15:14:48 EDT 2009

Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
> Anyone care to comment on this ?


> You won't get much tooling support if you are ignoring our mails about 
> how to improve it ;)
> /max
>>> I guess, now!
>> We won't be around much before after eclipsecon ;(
>> But lets get it started at least.
>> Any way to get a "restfull"/non-binary-dependent API to a running 
>> appserver/profileservice ?

So in the short term we are going to provide the JMX interface for 5.1, 
which will be BC for the 5 series, however later on we could add a REST 
API (perhaps in 6).

Another option, which Dimitris recently asked about, is using the native 
JDK JMX protocol, which would remove any dependency on client libs.


>> or is there a client only api/jar set for profileservice that won't 
>> change or at least be backward compatible going forward
>> so tooling won't break when a new AS or EAP release comes out ?

The profile service is intended to be backwards compatible for major 
releases, once it is finalized, however it would still require client jars.

>> Any way for the profileservice to provide deployment-local 
>> exception/error/debug info  ?

Last this was discussed, I believe the work was quite involved. David 
had an open question about how the architecture should work here:


Jason T. Greene
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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