[jboss-dev] Booting the 'all' config fails

Ales Justin ales.justin at gmail.com
Wed Apr 15 09:25:08 EDT 2009

"Let me Google that for you" ;-)
  - http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=92698

Anil Saldhana wrote:
> Is there no mechanism to use reasonable defaults if something is not 
> specified?
> ======================================
> -         <parameter><inject bean="JBossServer"/></parameter>
> +         <parameter class="org.jboss.bootstrap.spi.Server"><inject 
> bean="JBossServer"/></parameter>
> ===================================
> Why should we be configuration freaks to make everything explicit?
> <anilShutUp/>
> Ales Justin wrote:
>> Search for this (never ending) discussion on our MC dev fourm. :-)
>> Dimitris Andreadis wrote:
>>> Shouldn't be able to derive the the injected paramemeter implements 
>>> org.jboss.bootstrap.spi.Server and use that CTOR?
>>>    public JAXBRepositoryContentMetadataPersister(Server server)
>>>    {
>>>       this(server.getConfig().getServerDataDir());
>>>    }
>>>    public JAXBRepositoryContentMetadataPersister(URI uri)
>>>    {
>>>       this(new File(uri));
>>>    }
>>>    public JAXBRepositoryContentMetadataPersister(File dir)
>>>    {
>>>       super(dir);
>>>    }
>>> Ales Justin wrote:
>>>>> It must be this?
>>>> Yes.
>>>> I've added more info + committed.
>>>>> server/all/conf/bootstrap/profile.xml
>>>>> ...
>>>>>    <!--  Handles persistence of metadata about clustered 
>>>>> DeploymentRepository content -->
>>>>>    <bean name="ClusteredDeploymentRepositoryMetadataPersister"
>>>>> class="org.jboss.system.server.profileservice.repository.clustered.local.JAXBRepositoryContentMetadataPersister"> 
>>>>>       <constructor>
>>>>>          <!-- Here we use the constructor version that takes the 
>>>>> Server impl and
>>>>>               uses it to find the data dir. You could alternatively 
>>>>> use a version
>>>>>               that takes a URI or a File. -->
>>>>>          <parameter><inject bean="JBossServer"/></parameter>
>>>>>       </constructor>
>>>>>    </bean>
>>>>> Ales Justin wrote:
>>>>>> It might be again due to lack of info on which ctor to use.
>>>>>> And since the ctor order is pretty much random,
>>>>>> it looks like you get the wrong one - which still matches the 
>>>>>> no-info info. :-)
>>>>>> See if you can add extra info to ctor in -jboss-beans.xml in which 
>>>>>> this bean is specified.
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