[jboss-dev] Disabling Bean Validation JNDI binder deployer in 5.2 Beta

Stan Silvert ssilvert at redhat.com
Fri Oct 23 16:28:23 EDT 2009

Either way is fine with me. 

Note that JSF Managed Beans will still use BV, so folks can try that 
out.  And non-JSF developers can still create their own BV Factory 
instead of having it injected from JNDI.  It just seems to make sense to 
go ahead and get rid of something that is going to go away next release.


Jason T. Greene wrote:
> The big reason for this is to allow user deployments to do their own 
> validation, and they don't typically have access to the DeploymentUnit.
> Even though the location will change in the final version, doesn't it 
> seem worth keeping, so that folks can try out BV?
> If the bug isnt a simple fix, and it only affects ws dynamic endpoints 
> then I don't see it as a beta release blocker.
> Stan Silvert wrote:
>> The simplest way to solve the issue below is to just disable the 
>> ValidatorFactoryJndiBinderDeployer.
>> I've been thinking that using this deployer is probably the wrong way 
>> to go.  Originally, it was supposed to put a bean validator factory 
>> into the deployment's java:comp context, as required by the JEE6 
>> spec.  But when this deployer runs, that context isn't available 
>> yet.  So the best it could do was to bind it to global JNDI and hope 
>> that some later code could bind it to the right place.  But that 
>> "later code" can just as easily get its reference from the 
>> DeploymentUnit.
>> So right now it creates a global JNDI reference for each deployment 
>> under BeanValidatorFactories/<deployment simple name>.  We know this 
>> is wrong and I don't think anyone is relying on the global JNDI 
>> To be clear, the ValidatorFactoryDeployer that puts the factory into 
>> the DeploymentUnit will still do its job.  It's just that I want to 
>> get rid of this failed attempt to satisfy the JNDI requirement.  
>> There are a couple of ways to actually satisfy it, and I expect to do 
>> this post-beta.
>> Stan
>> Richard Opalka (JIRA) wrote:
>>>      [ 
>>> https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-7384?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel 
>>> ]
>>> Richard Opalka reassigned JBAS-7384:
>>> ------------------------------------
>>>     Assignee: Stan Silvert  (was: Ales Justin)
>>> Reassigning to Stan (he's repsonsible for BV code)
>>>> org.jboss.test.webservice.endpoint.EndpointTestCase fails because 
>>>> of beanvalidation deployer
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>>>>                 Key: JBAS-7384
>>>>                 URL: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-7384
>>>>             Project: JBoss Application Server
>>>>          Issue Type: Sub-task
>>>>      Security Level: Public(Everyone can see)          Components: 
>>>> Web Services
>>>>            Reporter: Shelly McGowan
>>>>            Assignee: Stan Silvert
>>>>             Fix For: JBossAS-5.2.0.Beta1
>>>> These newly added tests are failing.  Filing to track.
>>>> testWSDLAccess:
>>>> javax.wsdl.WSDLException: WSDLException: faultCode=OTHER_ERROR: 
>>>> Unable to resolve imported document at 
>>>> &apos;http://localhost:8080/jaxws-endpoint?wsdl&apos;.: 
>>>> java.io.FileNotFoundException: This file was not found: 
>>>> http://localhost:8080/jaxws-endpoint?wsdl
>>>> testClientAccess:
>>>> javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException: java.io.IOException: Could not 
>>>> transmit message
>>>> Caused by: org.jboss.ws.WSException: Invalid HTTP server response 
>>>> [404] - Not Found
>>>> testServletAccess:
>>>> java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for 
>>>> URL: http://localhost:8080/jaxws-endpoint-servlet?param=hello-world
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