[jboss-dev] Papaki Annotation Scanning Requirements

Dimitris Andreadis dandread at redhat.com
Thu Oct 29 15:39:26 EDT 2009

Please edit the wiki page and add your annotation scanning requirements/usecases:


"Annotation scanning has a considerable impact in AS deployment and boot time performance. 
There are several subsystems that need to process annotations, for example EJB3, JCA, Web 
Services, JBoss Web, JPA, Seam, etc. and that often results either in inefficient annotation 
scanning implementations, extraneous classloading and multiple passes over the same jar files.

The goal of the Papaki project (formerly JBoss Annotations) is to unify annotation scanning, 
so that it can be performed efficiently and in one pass, with the various subsystem pulling 
annotation information from the Papaki service, thus improving deployment and boot times.

The purpose of this page is to collect requirements from all the projects that would be 
interested in plugging into this service, so that we can come up with a comprehensive API 
that can serve all the major use cases."

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