[jboss-dev] Papaki Annotation Scanning Requirements

Dimitris Andreadis dandread at redhat.com
Fri Oct 30 04:42:28 EDT 2009

David, just tried to connect to the wiki and got a 502 error, so feel free to change the 
wording, that was just a start to get the ball rolling ;-)

David M. Lloyd wrote:
> On 10/29/2009 02:39 PM, Dimitris Andreadis wrote:
>> Please edit the wiki page and add your annotation scanning 
>> requirements/usecases:
> Well, the good news is, this is just what we need to get started.  The 
> bad news is by calling it "the Papaki project (formerly JBoss 
> Annotations)", and asking people who would be interested in using this 
> project, you're already leaking implementation considerations into a 
> purely requirements doc. :-)
> What this document should really say is, "What projects need to read 
> annotation data, scan annotations to determine deployment information, 
> or in any other way use annotations at compile time OR run time, and 
> what exactly are the requirements for each project?"  And this should 
> include ALL of our projects which do annotation scanning, not just 
> projects which have a particular interest in the specific Papaki 
> implementation (or any other implementation), otherwise we're going to 
> miss out on some use-case data.
> - DML

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