[jboss-dev] AS Maven Integration Tests Was: Re: m4 is when?

Andrew Lee Rubinger andrew.rubinger at redhat.com
Tue Jul 13 16:57:01 EDT 2010

With regards to Maven-initiated integration tests for AS, I'm planning 
on the following after EJB 3.1 Async is integrated fully.

We currently have a "embedded" module which holds a single integration 
test.  Right now this is acting as a pre-cert smoke-tests before the AS 
distribution is installed into the local repo.

What I'd like to do is refactor this out into a series of separate 
classes, and group them into suites:

* Embedded Smoke Tests
* Embedded Integration Tests

In this way we can run the Smokes by default, and add a switch to run 
the integration ones.  From there we'll be in good position to add more 
integration tests however we see fit, and even port some as appropriate 
from the current "testsuite" module if need be.

The executing workflow would be:

* Per suite, Arquillian starts an Embedded instance of AS
* Per test class, we deploy an archive of some type
* Each test in the class runs
* When class is done, archive is undeployed
* When suite is done, Arquillian brings down AS


On 07/13/2010 11:42 AM, Bill Burke wrote:
> Can you wait until Tues/Wednesday?  Resteasy 2.0-RC1 just went out
> yesterday.  I'm giving it a week+ for users to report back on blockers
> or quick fixes then release Restasy 2.0.GA on Monday night.  But there
> should be very little, if any changes from 2.0-RC1.
> Also, is there a way to get maven driven integration tests run with the
> build?  Resteasy integration tests, within resteasy-int/test module,
> require a running jboss instance.  If its too difficult, no worries.
> Some things you might want to list as far as JAX-RS goes for M4 release:
> * complete CDI and EJB integration
> * complete scanning integration.  No web.xml resteasy specific code required
> Jason Greene wrote:
>> EJB 3.1 finished  the main M4 elements, so the plan is to tag on Monday. Is that enough time?
>> On Jul 6, 2010, at 7:49 AM, Bill Burke wrote:
>>> I just want to know when I need to get Resteasy 2.0 released by.  I can
>>> deferr scheduled bugs/features and release ASAP if needed...
>>> Carlo de Wolf wrote:
>>>> We're currently working through the integration of timers and async.
>>>> Timers is in trunk. With the exception of some calendar expression bits
>>>> it's working.
>>>> Async is coming soon into trunk. Right now local testing is being completed.
>>>> Both still need thorough monkey proof testing in terms of functionality,
>>>> performance and memory usage.
>>>> I don't mind any component update that does not bring any regression.
>>>> Carlo
>>>> On 07/03/2010 04:24 AM, Jason Greene wrote:
>>>>> It's currently on hold waiting for ejb 3.1 timers and async
>>>>> Carlo,
>>>>> Any update here?
>>>>> On Jul 2, 2010, at 6:20 PM, Bill Burke wrote:
>>>>>> I want to do another RESTEasy release (2.0.GA) before M4 is released so
>>>>>> M4 is up-to-date... ETA on M4?
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Bill Burke
>>>>>> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
>>>>>> http://bill.burkecentral.com
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>>> Bill Burke
>>> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
>>> http://bill.burkecentral.com
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