[jboss-dev] new scanning in AS trunk

Shelly McGowan smcgowan at redhat.com
Wed Jun 2 11:14:56 EDT 2010


The Embedded tests run in the AS Build are failing with this change:


I've attached the output of the test.

To reproduce, build jbossas/trunk passing -Pembedded

Shelly McGowan
JBoss, by Red Hat

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ales Justin" <ales.justin at gmail.com>
To: "JBoss.org development list" <jboss-development at lists.jboss.org>
Cc: "Pete Muir" <pmuir at redhat.com>, "Remy Maucherat" <rmaucher at redhat.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 2, 2010 9:26:32 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: [jboss-dev] new scanning in AS trunk

I've just updated the AS trunk with new Scanning lib.
It also includes some other MC changes: Reflect, MDR, Kernel, CL, Deployers.

Apart from AnnotationRepository (which was already there with the old code),
I've also hacked around Hibernate's Scanner a bit, so it uses new scanning lib's ScannerImpl.
(the hack is mostly in place due to some impl issues in Hibernate itself, Emmanuel is working on it)

JSF can now use new JBossAnnotationProvider -- let me know how that goes Stan.
And web can use ResourcesIndex from DeploymentUnit -- Remy.

WeldScanningPlugin is currently commented out.
We need to disable one of the deployers in plugin's favor.
Pete, let me know when the new Weld release is coming in,
and I'll enable the plugin + run a few tests.

All in all, if you spot any issues / regressions wrt this change,
let me know, and I'll try to fix the stuff asap.

jboss-development mailing list
jboss-development at lists.jboss.org
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