[jboss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: JBoss Cluster on Multihomed zone

rajeshchande do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Nov 12 01:35:05 EST 2007

I have specified the bind_addr to 3.183.158 and the cluster works fine (Instances form a cluster while startup).

I have followed the http://docs.hp.com/en/5991-5569/ar01s07.html and made session replication successfully worked in scenario 1.

The session replication FAILS to work in scenario 2, What specific changes in tc5-cluster-service.xml required? and why so? Why difference in scenario 1 and 2? 

In scenario 2: 

When accessing the counter application: 

instance 1 log is: 

2007/11/12 04:24:37 | 04:24:37,268 INFO  [Server] JBoss (MX MicroKernel) [4.0.3SP1 (build: CVSTag=JBoss_4_0_3_SP1 date=200510231054)] Started in 1m:5s:486ms
  | 2007/11/12 05:22:17 | 05:22:17,583 INFO  [TreeCache] viewAccepted(): new members: [int-app-devlc1-01:60788, int-app-devlc1-02:61593]
  | 2007/11/12 06:00:54 | 06:00:54,828 INFO  [FarmMemberService] farmDeployment(), deploy locally: farm/counter.war
  | 2007/11/12 06:00:55 | 06:00:55,802 INFO  [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/counter, warUrl=.../tmp/deploy/tmp698counter.war/
  | 2007/11/12 06:00:56 | 06:00:56,360 INFO  [JBossCacheManager] init(): replicationGranularity_ is 1 and invaldateSessionPolicy is 2
  | 2007/11/12 06:00:56 | 06:00:56,481 INFO  [JBossCacheManager] Starting JBossManager
  | 2007/11/12 06:00:56 | 06:00:56,493 INFO  [JBossCacheManager] We are using mod_jk(2) for load-balancing. Will add JvmRouteValve.
  | 2007/11/12 06:02:52 | 06:02:52,146 INFO  [STDOUT] 4Gv6Zk8uMNFykr6fX1vOCw**.worker2, refresh count:1
  | 2007/11/12 06:03:01 | 06:03:01,552 INFO  [STDOUT] 4Gv6Zk8uMNFykr6fX1vOCw**.worker2, refresh count:2
  | 2007/11/12 06:03:03 | 06:03:03,249 INFO  [STDOUT] 4Gv6Zk8uMNFykr6fX1vOCw**.worker2, refresh count:3
  | 2007/11/12 06:03:04 | 06:03:04,308 INFO  [STDOUT] 4Gv6Zk8uMNFykr6fX1vOCw**.worker2, refresh count:4
  | 2007/11/12 06:03:33 | TERM trapped.  Shutting down.
  | 2007/11/12 06:03:34 | 06:03:34,487 INFO  [Server] Runtime shutdown hook called, forceHalt: true

After shutting instance 1 down, instance 2 has the following on aacceing the counter application:

2007/11/12 05:41:36 | 05:41:36,061 INFO  [TreeCache] viewAccepted(): new members: [int-app-devlc1-01:60788]
  | 2007/11/12 05:41:41 | 05:41:41,652 INFO  [STDOUT] 4Gv6Zk8uMNFykr6fX1vOCw**.worker2, refresh count:1
  | 2007/11/12 05:41:44 | 05:41:44,902 INFO  [STDOUT] 4Gv6Zk8uMNFykr6fX1vOCw**.worker1, refresh count:2

The count should BEGIN from "5"

Any suggestions why session replication is failing? 


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