[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Problems in doing JAAS login using code

tellarsrinivasprabhu do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Sep 17 05:37:32 EDT 2007


 All we did was that we created a custom valve that extends org.apache.catalina.valves.ValveBase;

in the invoke method , we added the user principals to the request using following lines of code.

  | .
  | List roles = new ArrayList();
  | roles.add("Authenticated");
  | roles.add("User");
  | roles.add("Admin");
  | roles.add("CustomRole"); // add any roles that you want to add depending on context
  | .
  | .
  | request.setUserPrincipal(new GenericPrincipal(request.getContext().getRealm(), username,password, roles));
  | .
  | .
  | .
  | getNext().invoke(request, response);

you can also create  new subjects and add to SecurityAssociation

Group roleGroup = new SimpleGroup("Roles");
  | for (int i = 0; i < roles.size(); i++) {
  | String rname = (String) roles.get(i);
  | Principal p = new UserPrincipal(rname);
  | roleGroup.addMember(p);
  | }
  | Subject subj = new Subject();
  | subj.getPrincipals().add(new UserPrincipal(username));
  | subj.getPrincipals().add(roleGroup);
  | SecurityAssociation.setSubject(subj);

Once you are done with this, next we have to tell the application that  it has to go through the custom valve that we created. This is done by creating a new file called context.xml having the following entry (specify your custom valve class name)

  | 	<Valve className="sample.util.CustomValve" />
  | </Context>

place this file xml along with web.xml (in jboss-portal.sar\portal-server.war\WEB-INF)

create a jar of your custom valve class file and put it in any lib dir. we put it in server\default\lib.

then restart the server .

Hope this will help,

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