[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration & DEPLOYMENT] - Re: Jboss4.2.3GA + jasperServer

vzapponi do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Nov 17 17:59:01 EST 2008

Yes I'm sure. Here are the instructions (not all, of course) for installing:

Deploy JasperServer War to the Application Server
The process for deploying JasperServer into the application server involves “dropping” the War file into the proper directory.
Copy the WAR file:
To the following directory:
<apache-tomcat>/webapps (Tomcat)
/server/default/deploy (JBoss)


Expand the Archived War File
The jasperserver WAR file is “archived" so you cannot directly edit files inside of it. The JasperServer database configuration file is inside the WAR file, so we must "un-archive" the WAR file first. JasperServer runs using this "unarchived" WAR file.
Un-archive the War File Using the Java “jar” Command
You can use the following steps to un-archive the WAR file:
Tomcat and JBoss
cd <apache-tomcat>/webapps (Tomcat)
cd /server/default/deploy (JBoss)
mkdir jasperserver
cd jasperserver
jar xvf ../jasperserver.war (x - extract, v - verbose, f - is filename)
cd ..
rm –r jasperserver.war or del jasperserver.war (remove the original WAR file)
mv jasperserver jasperserver.war (add .war to end of dir name)
copy jasperserver jasperserver.war (same in Windows)

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